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Today’s LEQ: What are some typical misconceptions
and stereotypes Westerners hold about the Middle
East and vice versa?
 Monotheistic – belief in one god
 4,000 years old
 Founded near present day Israel
 Followers have common heritage but
divided in practice:
▪ i.e. Orthodox vs. Reform
 Jews enslaved by ancient Egypt
& freed by Moses
 God revealed his laws to Moses
& the 10 commandments
In one God, creator of the universe.
In prophets – especially Moses
Believe Jesus was Jewish as were his
followers and the Apostles – Jews still
await their Messiah
 In Torah (first five books of the Bible),
which guides the life of a Jew – no New
 Judaism is the foundation of Christianity
but is not a part of it
2,000 years old
Founded near present-day Israel
 Based on life, teachings, death &
resurrection of Jesus, believed to be the
Christ (messiah/savior)
Both Old Testament (before Jesus) & New
Testament (after Jesus was born)
The sacrifice of Jesus –(a “scapegoat”) as
the ultimate atonement for the sins of
Heaven and Hell:
 Eternal life for those who are “saved by the
blood of the Jesus.”
 Eternal damnation for those who are not so
 Monotheistic
 1,400 years old
 Founded in Mecca
 Two main sects:
 Sunni (majority)
 Shiite
Muhammad is considered the “last
 Exposed to Jews & Christians through
trade and developed great respect for
 God spoke to Muhammad through the
angel Gabriel – revealed to him message
from Allah – or God
Only one God - Allah
Believe in many of the same prophets as
Christians & Jews – just believe they have
strayed from true faith that is Islam
 Believe Jesus was a prophet – not the son
of God
 Believe world has definite end, and on that
final day, God will judge all people
 Muhammad’s teachings are recorded in
the Koran
The first duties of a Muslim are known as the Five
Pillars of Islam, which are five acts of worship
required of all Muslims
 Statement of Faith: “There is no god but God, &
Muhammad is his prophet”
 Praying five times a day (wash before praying, face
Mecca, and use a prayer rug)
▪ dawn
▪ noon
▪ late afternoon
▪ Sunset
▪ before going to bed
 Charity
 Fasting during holy month of Ramadan
 At least one pilgrimage to Mecca
The Qur’an discusses Jihad, “to make an
effort, or to struggle.”
Jihad refers to the inner struggle people go
through in their effort to obey God.
Jihad can also mean the struggle to defend
the Muslim community, or historically, to
convert people to Islam. Extremists have
translated jihad as “holy war.”