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WHAP SG 9 China and the World
Directions: read the section then answer the questions provided.
Read pages 241 – 242
What are you going to learn about in this chapter? Summarize in 1-2 sentences.
Read pages 242-247
What is a golden age? Why are the Tang and Song Dynasties considered a “golden age” for China?
3. Create a comparison diagram. What are the similarities and differences of the Tang and the Song? Use PERSIAN
as your categories for comparison.
4. What is foot-binding?
5. How did women’s lives change during the Song Dynasty?
Read pages 247-252
How did China interact with their nomadic neighbors?
7. What is the tribute system?
8. How does the tribute system support the idea of Chinese superiority?
9. How are the Xiongnu and the Uighurs exceptions in the tribute system?
10. How did northern people influence Chinese society?
Read pages 252 – 259. We will complete a chart in class for this section.
Read pages 259 – 261
11. In what ways did China participate in Eurasian trade?
12. What is the significance of trade between the Chinese and the rest of the world? What is their impact?
13. How was China changed by their role in trade?
Read pages 261 – 265
14. How did Buddhism enter China?
15. Why did Buddhism become popular in China?
16. How did Buddhism change in Asia?
17. Why were some people opposed to Buddhism? What was the result of this opposition?
Read 265 – the End.
18. How does what you have learned in this chapter relate to our theme of “intentional or unintentional