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Create your own WWI Propaganda
Using your knowledge of WWI and propaganda you will create one propaganda poster. You need to pick one
country that was involved in the War and design and create a propaganda poster using at least TWO of the
techniques listed below. This must be in color and must be historically accurate. This cannot be made on the
computer. DUE: Wednesday April 17th.
*Propaganda Techniques
**Appealing to emotion – not to reason
Either / or Fallacy: Presents two options as the only choices, when in truth there are more.
EX: “Either we go to war with Saddam Hussein, or we submit to his tyranny.”
Overgeneralization: A statement too broad to be true, or too broad to be proven.
EX: “The Iraq people are villains.”
Bandwagon Appeal: Tells you to join the crowd.
EX: “All our countrymen are joining the fight --- will you?”
Appeal to Fear:
EX: “Join us, or be subjected to unimaginable atrocities.”
Name Calling:
EX: “Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a terrorist.”
Loaded Words: Words that carry a negative connotation.
EX: “He will crush us if we do not resist!”
Glittering Words: Words that sound great, but have a different meaning to different people.
EX: “Patriot”, “Freedom” and “Loyalty”
Unwarranted Extrapolation: Making huge predictions about the future based on small facts.
EX: “The introduction of the internet will lead to a radical decentralization of government,
greater political participation and a rebirth of community.”
Stroking: Complimenting the listener / viewer.
EX: “I know you are all honest, reasonable, hardworking students.”
Demonization: Making the opposition appear less than human.
EX: “We must crush those Saxons!” “They are monsters and must be stopped!”