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Ms. Budzinski
Science 10S
Mitosis Notes
Lesson 1: Reproduction
Names: ________________________
The Cell Theory
The cell theory states that…
1. All living things are composed of ____________.
2. The cell is the _________________________________________.
3. All cells come from _______________________ cells.
All living things have a set of ____________________ that control what they look like, do, think,
act, etc…
Every cell in your body has a _____________________________ of these instructions
These instructions are arranged in very ______________ and organized packages and must
always be kept ____________________.
If any part of the instructions are misplaced, damaged or mixed up, bad things can happen.
These very important instructions is called DNA.
DNA stands for _____________________________________.
The DNA is located in the ________________ of the cell.
The DNA is arranged in very long strands and coiled into
Human ______ is arranged into ______ chromosomes pairs; or
______ single stranded chromosomes.
In order for your body to ________ or heal cuts and scrapes, the cells
have to ______________.
When cells divide, the DNA in the nucleus ________________.
For 22 pairs of your chromosomes, this replication is called ___________________
The _______ chromosome pair is a special set of chromosomes that we will discuss later.
Ms. Budzinski
Science 10S
Functions of Cell Division
1. Healing and Tissue Repair
You replace __________________ old cells each second.
2. _________________
An increase in the number of cells.
3. Reproduction of Organisms
All organisms ________________ and spread.
Any new cell come from existing cells by a process of reproduction.
A cell’s life is a sequence of steps called the
Cell cycle has two parts:
1. ________________________
2. _______________________________
The Stages of Mitosis
Rapid growth / repair – cell ________________ for division.
Chromosomes (blueprints) must be _______________. (replication
of DNA)
Cell division phase - two parts to cell division.
1. Mitosis - division of _____________________ and nucleus.
Both cells have __________________ set of blueprints/ DNA.
Mitosis is how we reproduce ________________________ (body cells / somatic cells).
Ms. Budzinski
Science 10S
2. ______________________ - divide cytoplasm and organelles.
End Result:
Two _________________ cells that will re-enter ______________ begin the process again.
Copying of organelles and __________________________________:
Leaving two __________________________ of DNA.
(Deoxyribonucleic acid)
Chromosomes look like __________________________.
becoming ____________________.
Nuclear membrane disappears.
_______________________ move to opposite ends of
the cell.
Spindle fibres
Spindle fibers grow from ___________________
________________ to sister chromatids
_______________ chromatids along the __________ of the cell.
Ms. Budzinski
Science 10S
___________________________ shorten and pull.
_____________________ sister chromatids.
__________________ chromatids at opposite ends of cell.
New nuclear membranes forms.
Chromosomes uncondense (back to ________________).
cell into
Animal: cell membrane _____________ cell into 2.
Each daughter cell has copy of DNA, nucleus, organelles and cytoplasm.
__________: Two new cells are formed as the ____________________ (plate) grows down
the middle of the cell.
Leaving ____ identical daughter cells.