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Greek Mythology Project
Ms. Di Re
In preparation for reading Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, we will research Greek gods, goddesses,
heroes, and monsters. Odysseus will encounter many of these mythological figures during his quest to
return home to Ithaca. Additionally, you will encounter these figures during your journey through the
literature of the Western cannon.
I. We will go to the library to research your topic. You may also use credible Internet sites if you need more
Choose a god, goddess, hero, or monster
Research the character and obtain the following information:
How is your character described? (physical description)
How did he/she come into being/existence?
What are the qualities, both good and bad, of your character?
With whom is your character associated?
Explain the purpose, function, or role of your character.
What are the accomplishments of your character?
What are the myths associated with him/her? Briefly describe one.
Other: anything else you feel is important for us to know.
Be sure to use proper citations when incorporating text into your project. Mrs. Rosenblum or Mr.
Renner will review this with you.
II. Illustrate your god, goddess, hero, or monster or illustrate an important scene from a myth associated with
him/her/it. You may use computer graphics or photos from a magazine.
***Extra points: complete the above in a three-dimensional manner. Ex: create Cerberus out of clay.***
III. Create a poster, a PowerPoint slide show, a video, or a scrapbook with pictures/illustrations of the
character and scenes from the myths associated with that character, as well as relevant data about the
mythological character.
This is a creative project, which means the way you put the information together is entirely your choice.
You will be graded on the content of the project and on the quality of your writing (including the in-text
citations). You will also receive a separate presentation grade.
Due: Tuesday after Thanksgiving
You will be presenting this “biography” upon our return from Thanksgiving break.
Gods and Goddesses
Zeus: King of the gods; god of sky/weather
Hera: Queen of the gods; goddess of marriage/ childbirth
Poseidon: God of the sea
Hades: God of the underworld
Demeter: Goddess of grain, plants, fruit
Athena: Goddess of wisdom, arts/crafts, & war; protector of Athens
Hephaestus: God of fire and metal working
Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty
Ares: God of war
Apollo: God of youth, music, prophecy, archery, healing and the sun
Artemis: Goddess of hunting, childbirth, wild animals and the moon
Hermes: Messenger of the gods, god of travelers, merchants, & thieves
Persephone: Goddess of spring and the underworld, Demeter’s daughter
Dionysus: God of wine, fertility, & drama
Eros: God of love, Aphrodite’s son
Gorgon Medusa = Turns men to stone.
The Harpies = were described as beautiful, winged maidens.
Later they became winged monsters with the face of an
ugly old woman and equipped with crooked, sharp talons.
The Sirens = ½ woman ½ bird lured sailors to death w/song
Cerberus = 3-headed dog guards entrance to underworld [Rowling and Hagrid’s Fluffy is based on him]
The Minotaur = head and tail of a bull on the body of a man.
The Chimera = three heads - lion, goat, and snake .Its body was also mixed: its front was a lion,
middle was a goat, and its tail was a snake. It breathed fire.
Scylla and Charybdis = two sea monsters of Greek mythology situated on opposite sides of a narrow
channel of water.
The Cyclops= one-eyed sons of Poseidon.
Perseus: Son of Zeus & Danae; slew Medusa
Theseus: Slew the Minotaur; king of Athens
Ballerophon: Slew the chimera
Hercules: Son of Z & Alcmene; 12 labors
Jason: Captured the Golden Fleece
Odysseus: Ruler of Ithaca; clever/cunning
Achilles: Great warrior; hero of the Illiad
Aeneas: Cousin of King Priam; father of the founder of Rome
Extra Credit:
See the link on
Ms. Di Re’s
Extra Credit: conduct research on one of the following topics and write a brief “biography” of it:
1. Hades: the place, its divisions, the river Styx, its famous occupants
2. Mount Olympus
3. The Titans
4. The Muses (There are 9 of them and Homer invokes one at the beginning of his poem)
5. Paris and the golden apple: prelude to a war
6. Troy and the war there
7. The Trojan horse
8. The Greek city states
9. Chronos
10. Rhea
11. Helen
12. Penelope