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World History
IV: C.E. 1750 - 1914 Review Quiz
1. One way in which Robespierre and Louis XVI of France are similar is that both
A. were removed from power during the French Revolution
B. adopted ideas of the Congress of Vienna
C. implemented policies of religious tolerance
D. decreased government control of the economy
2. One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martín are similar is that they all were
A. supporters of mercantile policies
B. leaders of independence movements
C. democratically elected leaders
D. industrial labor reformers
3. Which geographic feature most likely aided England during the Industrial Revolution?
A. desert climate
B. natural harbors
C. mountainous terrain
D. monsoon winds
• Sino-Japanese War 1894–1895
• Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905
• Annexation of Korea 1910
- Invasion of Manchuria 1937
These events in the history of Japan reflect its
A. resistance to trade
B. abundance of natural resources
C. vulnerability to attack by neighbors
D. emergence as an imperialistic country
5. One way in which the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain in the 18th century and the potato blight in Ireland in
the 19th century are similar is that they both led directly to
A. significant human migrations
B. more equitable distribution of wealth
C. growth in the number of subsistence farmers
D. rapid increases in food production
6. What was a major reason European nations competed for control of Africa during the second half of the 1800s?
A. Africa had a wealth of natural resources.
B. Slave labor was needed in the Americas.
C. African nations offered religious and political freedom.
D. Europeans needed land for their excess population.
7. The terms spheres of influence, extra- territoriality, and mandates are most closely associated with
A. collective security
B. imperialism
C. militarism
D. self-sufficiency
8. The belief that workers of the world would unite to overthrow their oppressors is central to
A. Social Darwinism
B. Marxism
C. conservatism
D. laissez-faire capitalism
• Appointment of Otto von Bismarck as Chancellor
• Austro-Prussian War, 1866
• Franco-Prussian War, 1870–1871
These events led directly to
A. the unification of Germany
B. foreign rule in Italy
C. the rebellion of the Sepoys
D. an alliance between Serbs and Russians
10. The 19th-century ideas of Social Darwinism and the “White Man’s Burden” were often used to justify
A. isolationism
B. appeasement
C. imperialism
D. disarmament
11. Belief in the ideas of the Enlightenment and discontent within the Third Estate were causes of the
A. French Revolution
B. Counter Reformation
C. Industrial Revolution
D. Spanish Reconquista
12. In the early 18th century, the Agricultural Revolution in Great Britain resulted in urbanization because
A. enslaved persons replaced free laborers on farms
B. factory work strengthened extended families
C. displaced rural workers migrated to find jobs
D. the middle class decreased in size
13. Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?
A. ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte
B. nationalization of the Church
C. outrage over the use of the guillotine by the Committee of Public Safety
D. demand of the Third Estate for more political power
14. The Sepoy Rebellion is considered an important event in Indian history because it was one cause of the
A. independence movement in India
B. secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan
C. establishment of direct imperialism in India
D. creation of the Mughal Empire by Muslims
15 Which of the following scientists is credited developing the germ theory of disease and infection?
A. Lister
B. Pasteur
C. Einstein
D. Darwin