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The Spirit of Reform
U.S. History – Ch 8
Jacksonian America
a. A New Era in Politics
i. States Expand Voting Rights
1. Who were the rights expanded to?
ii. The People’s President
1. Who became President in 1828?
2. Briefly describe Andrew Jackson:
iii. The Spoils System
1. What was the Spoils System?
iv. A More Open Electoral System
1. How was the Electoral System made “more open?”
b. The Nullification Crisis
i. What does it mean to “secede?”
ii. What was the first state to threaten to secede, and why?
iii. What does “nullification” mean?
iv. What did the “Force Bill” state?
c. Policies Toward Native Americans
i. What did the “Indian Removal Act” do?
ii. What was the “Trail of Tears?”
d. Jackson Battles the National Bank
i. Briefly described what happened:
e. A New Party Emerges
i. What was this new party called?
ii. What happened in the Election of 1840?
iii. What happened to the newly elected President? Who became
A Changing Culture
a. The New Wave of Immigrants
i. Between 1815 and 1860, approximately how many people immigrated
into the U.S.A.? Why were they coming here?
ii. What does the word “nativism” mean?
b. A Religious Revival
i. What was the “Second Great Awakening?”
ii. New Religious Groups Emerge
1. Universalists
2. Mormons
c. A Literary Renaissance
i. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, James
Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan
Poe, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson
ii. What were the “penny papers?”
Reforming Society
a. The Reform Spirit
i. What were “benevolent societies?”
ii. One striking feature of the reform effort was the overwhelming
presence of whom?
b. The Temperance Movement
i. What product did reformers believe caused more crime, disorder, and
poverty than anything else?
ii. What was the “Temperance Movement?”
iii. Prison Reform
1. What are “penitentiaries?”
iv. Educational Reform
1. Who was Horrace Mann?
v. Women’s Education
1. What progress was made in terms of women’s education?
c. The Early Women’s Movement
i. “True Womanhood”
1. What were women “supposed” to do?
ii. Women Seek Greater Rights
1. What was the Seneca Falls Convention?
The Abolitionist Movement
a. Early Opposition to Slavery
i. What was behind the idea of “Gradualism?”
ii. Colonization
1. What did the “American Colonization Society” propose to do?
b. The New Abolitionists
i. What was behind the idea of “Abolition?”
ii. What does “Emancipation” mean?
iii. African American Abolitionists
1. Who was Frederick Douglass?
c. The Response to Abolitionism
i. What was the reaction in the North?
ii. What was the reaction in the South?