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By Bella, Nicole, and Calli
SWhat is the Solar System?s
a olar System?
The Solar System began 5
billion years ago. There
were 9 planets, but
scientists think Pluto
should not be considered a
planet anymore. A solar
system is the Sun and the
group of planets and
bodies that orbit around it.
The Sun
It’s a medium star. It’s a
hot firey ball of gas that
makes its own light and
heat. The Sun is
27,000,000 degrees. More
than 100 earths can fit
across it.
There are 4 Inner
Planets in our Solar
System. They are small,
rocky, and have craters.
They are small and
balled shaped.
Mercury is the nearest to
the sun. It is the
smallest planet. On
Mercury a day is as long
as are year. It has no
atmosphere so there are
lots of craters. In the
day it’s 750 degrees and
at night it’s – 300 . The
Roman people named
Mercury after their
Roman fleet messnger.
Mercury has no moons.
Venus is the hottest planet. It is 900 degrees. The Romans
named Venus after their god of love. Venus has a thick
carbon dioxide atmosphere. Venus is covered by a layer of
sulfuric acid clouds. Volocanos on Venus never run out of
lava. Venus has no moons.
Earth is the only known
planet to support life.
It has liquid
water and
by a
blanket of
air called the
Earth is called
the blue planet
because it has
so many oceans.
Mars was named after the god of
war by the Romans. Mars has 2
moons. It is covered in red rocks
made of iron oxide. It also has
polar ice caps and possibly
underground water. It has a thin
atmosphere. Mars might have had
an ocean in the past.
The Asteroid Belt is
made up of billions of
fragments of rock. It is
leftover rocks from the
creation of the planets.
Some pieces dislodged
and entered atmosphere
where they burn up
and are called shooting
stars or meteorites.
Asteroid Belt
Outer Planets
The Outer Planets are
made of gases.The 4
planets farthest from the
sun are called the outer
planets. The 4 outer
planets have rings. These
outer planets are Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune. The outer
planets are the coldest.
Jupiter is named
after their king of
all Roman gods. It
is the biggest planet
in the Solar System.
Earth can fit inside
it 1,300 times. It has
a rocky core that
Earth can fit in
twice. Jupiter has a
red spot that has
stayed in the same
place for 300 years.
It has 63 moons.
Saturn’s rings
are the
brightest. They
are made up of
rock, ice, and
dust. It has 61
moons. If you
put Saturn in a
lake it would
Uranus is 31,570 miles
around. Uranus is
1,781,000,000 from the
Sun. Uranus takes 17
hours and 18 minutes to
spin once . It takes 84
years to go around the sun
once.Uranus is different
from the other outer
planets because it spins on
it’s side. It has 27 moons.
Uranus is named after the
Greek god of heaven and
the ruler of the world.
Neptune is 30,200 miles
around. Neptune is
2,788,000,000 miles from the
sun. To go around once it
would take 17 hours and 50
minutes. To go around the
sun it takes 165 years. The
Roman people named
Neptune after there god of
sea. Neptune has white
clouds and lots of storms .
It has 4 rings . Methain gas
makes it blue. Neptune’s
biggest moon is Triton.
Neptune has a Great Dark
Spot that is a strom.
Pluto is not
considered a planet
for many reasons.
Pluto is a dwarf
planet. One of the
resons are it has a
differnt orbit.
Sometimes it is closer
to the sun than
Neptune. Another
one is there are 4
rocky planets and 4
gas giants and then
there is pluto. Pluto
has 3 moons. The
Romans named Pluto
after their god of
death. It would take
30 years to get there.
It is smaller than
Earth’s moon.
You have learned all about Our Solar
System, but there are still more mysteries
to be discoverd. Space is interesting
because space is a big mystery.
The End