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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
© The School of Evolutionary Herbalism- All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or use any material without
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
We move now from the whirling winds, the intense downloading of information in Gemini
and into the 1st of our Water Signs, and the initiator of the Summer season. The vital force,
having experienced an intense mutable period of yang at the end of Spring, now seeks to
ground out again, but this time it is not in the form of the body as in Taurus. Rather, as we
move into Cancer we begin to ground in the Element of Water, the emotional body. Tired of
incessant thinking, here we enter a new territory governed by the non-rational realm of
feeling, learning how to remain open and sensitive to our environment, but yet protected, safe
and secure within the self. It is here we learn about our boundaries, and develop the courage
to move beyond them- just as the crab sheds its shell when it is outgrown.
Energetic Architecture
• Planet- Moon
• Element- Water
• Principle- Cardinal
General Correspondences
• Season- beginning of Summery (June 21st-July 20th)
• Here we go through an Elemental shift in terms of the seasons as we move into the
Summer months, where many traditions hold the Fire Element in their correspondences
(though some cultures differ). With Cancer, we have the 2nd manifestation of the
Cardinal quality, which is initiating this new season into being (as all Cardinal Signs do)
• Symbol- The Crab. Here we see a relationship to the Water Element, as well as the Cardinal
quality- for the crab has sharp pincers, a bit of an aggressive quality, and the armor of
protection. This last dynamic of the crab holds a key signature for the Cancer archetype, for
in order for it to survive, it must grow a shell of protection from the outside worldotherwise it’s food for the birds. But there comes a time when it outgrows its shell and it
must find a new one- but to shed the shell is a risk it must be willing to take.
• Keyword- “I feel.” Here we have the first of the Water Signs, which introduced feeling and
emotion to our cosmology. Up to now with Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, the feeling nature of
humanity is essentially non-existent. Aries acts, Taurus senses, Gemini thinks, and Cancer
feels. Thus with these 4 Signs we have the establishment of the 4 Elements of nature and the
4 layers of the self: body, feeling (I usually refer to this as the heart), mind, and spirit.
• Duality- Yin. The vital force seeks to return to the Earth after the head-spin that can be
Gemini, and it does so through the Water Element, which always brings the volatile
Elements (Air/Fire) down into the fixed Element of Earth. We see Cancer is a much more
internal Sign similar to Taurus, though here it does so in a much different way than mere
sensing- it takes the sensory impressions from the physical environment and transmutes
them into feeling.
• Energetics- cold and moist. With a dual rulership of the Moon and Water, we see that
naturally this is a moist Sign. While the Cardinal quality tends to be warm/dry in nature, it
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
is not enough to overcome this highly yin Sign. As the only Moon ruled Sign, Cancer is
naturally aqueous in nature physically and psychically.
• Tarot Card- The Chariot (VII)
• The Chariot teaches us about the fact of transformation, change and growth throughout
life. It is the old adage that the only unchanging thing in life is change itself. The image
on the card is carrying the Wheel of Fortune, showing us that we must consciously
attune our lives to the heart if we are to make changes in a fortunate direction- or in a
way that is in service to our truth.
• There are 4 wheels on the chariot, 4 pillars, and the 4 animals on the bottom of the card
(representing the 4 Elements and their associated Signs: Leo (lion, Fire), Aquarius
(human, Air), Scorpio (phoenix, Water), and Taurus (bull, Earth). These
correspondences show us that for a transformation to be complete, it much touch us on
all four layers of our being- physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.
• The yellow road shows us that we must tend to ourselves on all levels in order for us to
be on the path that is true to our essential nature and that leads us to our destiny. The
Chariot is our vehicle, which shows us that we must always follow our feelings, and trust
them as much as our thinking.
• It’s relationship to Cancer shows us when we have outgrown our shell- that is, when our
certain set of psychological and emotional programming no longer suits us, showing us
that in order to grow, expand, and further our evolution, we must let go. Also, it shows
us that we must not wall ourselves off from the world, put up armor or walls around usit is the delicate balance of sensitivity and having boundaries.
• Like Taurus, Cancer seeks stability and security (the shell), but it’s goal is to ultimately
shed that comfort so that it can move with the flux and flow of life.
• Other cards associated with Cancer (all Cups/Water)
• 2 of Cups- Love (Venus in Cancer). Represents love that is perfectly balanced, equal
and special. Love and beauty expressed in the home and family.
• 3 of Cups- Abundance (Mercury in Cancer). Represents the capacity to
communicate the depths of emotion and the heart. This is the intellect aligned with
the emotions, or the Waters of the heart.
• 4 of Cups- Luxury (Moon in Cancer). Represents the experience of deep fulfillment
and satisfaction. This is a highly yin card, and because the Moon rules Cancer, it is in
a very strong position. This card is about deep emotional nourishment and creating
the environment around us (home- Cancer) that reflects our inner nature (Moon).
This is about feeling full internally and externally- no sense of lack.
Human Correspondences
• Physical Constitution
• Body Type: As the first of the Water Signs, we will see some different dynamics in this
constitutional type, and we can learn a lot about it simply by understanding the nature of
Water, in the sense that it can be solid (ice), fluid (liquid) and gaseous (steam), as well as
its ability to flow abundantly, as well as to stagnate. Generally speaking, Cancer types
will have a body that is soft and round- bearing a similarity to the Kapha constitution of
Ayurveda. Here we see a predominance of moisture in the body: tissues tend to be
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
clammy and moist to the touch, pale and potentially lacking circulation. The overall
shape of the body is shaped like a drop of Water, often with a excess of vital force
located in the hips, stomach and waist. This type can certainly tend towards obesity, but
it is a different type of obesity that we can see with Taurus- here it is more aqueous,
Water weight, not quite as fixed in the body.
• Judith Hill makes an interesting distinction with Cancer body types in her book The
Astrological Body Types in regards to the Moon. Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon,
the phase it is in at birth will greatly determine the constitution. The above
description is more fitting for a full moon type Cancer, whereas a new moon Cancer
will tend to be on the opposite side- slender, flat chested, and highly sensitive.
Because the new moon is hidden from view, they tend to be more internal, shy, and
less “full.” The vital force tends to be delicate and weak in this type- physically they
tend to be more of a vata type (water deficient). This polarity directly reflects the
nature of the Moon and it’s turning throughout the seasons, it’s changeability and
how it can be full, bright, shiny and expressive- or completely disappear.
• Organ Rulerships: The primary organs ruled by Cancer are the stomach, breasts,
mucosal membranes, and the lower parts of the lungs (this is likely in the earlier phases
of Cancer). The rib cage is also associated here- as it is like the shell of the crab,
protecting all the vital organs of our body. The Moon has a correspondence to the brain
as well, though more the receptive part of the brain whereas Mercury is the active side
of the mind. This Sign relates to the Waters of the body in general, but specifically the
mucosal membranes, especially of the gastric tissues. We see these membranes
protecting all points of contact the body has with the outer world (urinary tract,
respiratory system, and digestive system). I like to think of these as to protective Waters
of the body. Energetically speaking, Cancer is the Water of the heart, whereas the next
Sign, Leo, is the Fire of the heart.
• Disease Potential: Because of its rulership of the stomach, Cancer can experience many
issues due to digestive imbalances with a deep relationship to the emotions, hence we can
see eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia (perhaps more with new moon types?)
as well as overeating and obesity (perhaps more with full moon types?). Due to such a
strong Water rulership, we can see aqueous accumulation in the tissues leading to
edema, or what the old doctors called “dropsy.” This aqueous nature leads to a strong
sensitivity emotionally and physically, thus we can see development of allergies (most of
which trace back to digestive health), depression, paranoia, and other mind-body
interactions. Breast cysts, soreness, poor lactation etc. come under Cancer as well.
• Psychological Constitution
• Positive: With Cancer, we see the archetype of the nurturing, caregiving Mother.
Psychologically, this lends to a very sensitive and receptive disposition that enables this
type to embody empathy- they just hear what you are saying, they feel it. That is the key
characteristic of this Sign- to feel- therefore they have an innate capacity to tenderly care
for and nurture others. There is a kindness and desire to help others that is strong here.
This pinnacles in the core positive embodiment of the crab which is love. The Waters of
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
the heart flow out into the world, feeling everything, and if navigated properly will
engender a state of compassion and love.
• Cancer has a highly rich inner life, due to their highly yin and receptive nature. Their
imagination wanders freely, but they don’t just see what they imagine, again, they
feel it. There is a deep artistic aesthetic with this Sign and a vast imagination that
penetrates the inner world of the archetype.
• Negative: The same tendencies that are embodied in the positive traits of the Cancerian
mind can also become its shadow side. It’s heightened emotional sensitivity can lead to
timidness, shyness and a disconnection from the outer world, to retreat to the inner shell
of the imagination. When confronted, responses can be highly emotional, erratic, and
irrational- for they are not governed by rational though, but the realm of intuition and
instinct. This intense emotional sensitivity can lead to the “overbearing mother” complex,
where their relationships consist of them becoming makeshift therapists, hearing
everyones problems and stories of broken heartedness. They feel for them. But this is an
unhealthy pattern in core relationships- they get lost in other peoples problems and try
to “fix them.” Oftentimes they attract relationships where they are trying to be the
“rescuer” as opposed to having a relationship based on equality and balance (2 of cups).
They must learn not to loose themselves in the other.
• And while they are highly sensitive to the outer world, on the flip side they can be
overly protected and closed off, leading to a subjectivity the disables their capacity to
understand another person- they only feel what they feel and react from that place.
This dynamic of reactivity is very important here, for to re-act is the act from the
past, as opposed to responding out of the presence of the moment.
• Evolutionary Process
One of the primary evolutionary patterns of Cancer is the polarity of sensitivity and
protection- to not close off to the world, while at the same time not remaining so open that
they feel every single thought and feeling that wafts by them. Steven Forrest says it well: “to
create minimal defenses consistent with survival” They must be able to read their environment
and internally adjust their sensitivity accordingly. Their defense mechanisms can be quite
strong, but these leads to them living a life of repeating the same patterns over and over again,
of lingering in the past- they have outgrown their shell but fear to let it go so that they can
adopt a new, bigger, more spacious one. In this way, Cancer must learn to become vulnerable,
to learn to let go, to be courageous to move beyond limiting belief patterns that hold them
back from embodying their true purpose.
Cancer represents the interior world of all things and in this way, it is able to feel into the
depths of people, plants, and situations. It has a gift for clairsentience (clear feeling), and has
latent psychic abilities which oftentimes need some form of training. Learning to differentiate
their own feelings and emotions from that of others is highly important here, thus the need to
establish clear boundaries as said above is essential- but not too think, or they close
themselves off to the world.
Just as the Moon has no light of its own, much of Cancer exists in the world of the
subconscious. It’s ruling house (the 4th) is the lowest point of the astrological chart and
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
reflects those things running beneath our conscious awareness, but also our foundations for
our life- home and family. To heal the subconscious patterning received in childhood from our
parents, home and culture is to expand out of their small shells of protection, which is when
they are able to consciously create their new home, their new shell, their new life. In this way
they must turn within, shine the light of their Sun on their inner world and illuminate the
subconscious world, bring it to the surface so that it may be healed, cleansed, and purified.
• Healing Virtues
Due to the rulership of the stomach, one of the most important healing modalities for Cancer
is to consciously tend to their diet. As mentioned above, this Sign is highly prone to food
sensitivities and allergies, especially to dairy. The elimination diet protocol is a highly useful
strategy here in order to determine any potential sensitivities. With the elimination diet,
primary food allergens are eliminated for a period of 6 weeks. Afterwards they are introduced
one at a time for a few days and symptoms are analyzed. Primary foods here are dairy, wheat,
gluten, eggs, soy, corn, and maybe nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes). This is the only
truly effective way to screen for food allergens, as blood analysis commonly shows false
positives and negatives. In fact, Bastyr University did a study where they sent the same blood
sample to the same company to screen for food allergens and they both came back totally
Therapy or counseling can of great benefit to Cancers to find balance in their rich emotional
life and to help with letting go of limiting patterns, which they can find exceedingly difficult at
times. They must cultivate the courage to look into their past, bring to light and heal their
subconscious conditionings. Many may find benefit from working with flower essences as a
way of healing the emotional body- though spagyric essences work well here as well, with the
added benefit of working on the physiological expressions of the same pattern as well.
Botanical Correspondences
• Morphology: As Cancer is our first of the Water Signs, we will start to see this Element play
a primal correspondence with these plants. In regards to morphology, this will primarily be
shown as plants that grow near, in or around Water, or have a high Water content to themoften expressed as juiciness and softness. Many times Water Element plants will be smooth,
as opposed to rough or jagged and may have a particular “flow” to them. As Cancer rules
the stomach, we may see signatures of yellow, which corresponds to the 3rd chakra and the
stomach, which is again the primary ruler of Cancer. Another morphological characteristic
we can see here with the Moon is a silvery/blue hue in the coloration of the plant.
• Tastes: With Cancer ruling the stomach, the primary taste of importance here is bitter, as it
has a systemic action on not only the stomach, but the wholeness of the digestive system and
mucous membranes. The sweet taste, especially expressed through mucilage containing
plants hold correspondence here as well, since Cancer rules the mucous membranes which
are moistened by these valuable constituents and their corresponding taste. Lastly, the
astringent taste can be of benefit with Cancer, as it can tend towards accumulation of
dampness, of which astringency dries them out.
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
• Energetics:
• Sympathetic- cold and moist
• Anti-pathetic- hot and dry
• Actions: bitter tonic, galactagogue (increases breast milk production and flow), astringent.
The stimulant action can benefit here to increase circulation for colder and stagnant full
Moon types, and the nervine action can potentially benefit here to calm the vata and anxiety
of the most nervous new Moon types. Naturally because of such a strong relationship to the
Water Element and the Moon, diuretics can be highly useful here as they help with the
removal of excess fluids from the body. Stimulant diaphoretics can be helpful here as well to
increase circulation of the blood to the periphery and relieve excess Water.
• Organ Affinities: stomach, breasts, mucosal membranes, womb (primarily ruled by Venus
and Scoprio, but does have some correspondence here)
• Esoteric Principles: Corresponding to the Water Element, Cancer has a relationship to
Svadhisthana, or the 2nd chakra- the domain of feelings, sensitivity, and the formation of
our emotional identity. The 2nd chakra is also the place of our shadow, or unconscious
emotional patterns which were formed during the pre-lingual phase of our development
(approximately 6 months-2 years old). Interestingly enough, the nadir, which is the 4th
House cusp and the lowest part of the astrological chart, also has to do with our shadow
side. Naturally, the lowest part of the chart (which corresponds to midnight) is governing
those parts of us most hidden from the light of our awareness.
• Examples: Here are a few examples of Moon ruled plants, or those which may prove to be
beneficial for someone with a strong Cancer constitution:
• Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris)- This genus is rather wide, encompassing a broad spectrum
of plants from Mugwort, to Sweet Annie, Wormwood, and Sagebrush. But at their core,
they are all Moon ruled plants, just expressing it in a different manner. Universal among
them is a primary bitter tonic action, activating the entire digestive system and its
corresponding secretions. They are excellent for treatment of damp conditions (Water)
especially if accompanied by heat (Cardinal). These plants embody the archetype of the
Sacred Feminine in a very beautiful and powerful way (hence the genus is named after
Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and the hunt). Some have an affinity for the female
reproductive system as well. We can see the Moon correspondence not only in their
actions and affinities, but also in the morphology, as each of these plants have a silvery to
almost bluish hue to them, quite reminiscent of the Moon.
• Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)- This is our Quintessential moistening remedy for the
mucous membranes of the body. This white, moist root is prepared best in long, cold
water infusions which yields a thick mucilaginous substance that is universally used to
treat dryness in the body. Thus we could think of it if the Cancer archetype is deficient
or suppressed in some way- creating a state of dryness in not only the stomach and
digestive system, but the mucous membranes as a whole. Thus this remedy is used for
dryness, irritation, inflammation and heat in the kidneys and urinary tract, lungs and
respiratory system, along with the stomach and digestive system. Slippery Elm (Ulmus
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
rubra) also fits in this category as well, as these 2 remedies are most often used
interchangeably. It is worth noting that Slippery Elm is in a threatened ecological state,
thus I recommend to just stick with Marshmallow because it is more sustainable and,
well, it works!
• Milky Oats (Avena sativa)- I know I mentioned this remedy last month, but I have to
mention it here again as it does have a strong Moon correspondence (white latex,
smoothness, and tonic effect) and it can be quite useful especially for new Moon type
Cancers that can tend to be highly nervous, anxious and sensitive. As mentioned before,
this is our best nerve trophorestorative and is used to regenerate and rebuild an
exhausted nervous system. This is especially useful for clairsentient type Cancers who
are constantly sensing other peoples thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which naturally
overwhelms the nervous system.
• Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)- This is a rather misunderstood in the modern industry,
typically used in combination with Echinacea as a “natural anti-biotic,” due to the
presence of a highly antibacterial alkaloid called “berberine.” While berberine does have
miraculous effects in this regard, we have lost focus on what this plant is primarily
doing, which is in essence tonifying the mucous membranes. It has a strong action on the
stomach and digestive system, and is quite bitter indeed- thus increasing all gastric
secretions. It is best used when the mucous membranes have lost their tone and become
flabby, apathetic and weak- what the physiomedicalists called the “lax” or relaxation
tissue state. As an astringent, Goldenseal brings tone back to these tissues, helping to
regulate the secretions and their flow throughout the alimentary canal, disabling their
ability to stagnate. This is why it’s so good for a runny nose, because it astringes the
tissues and prevents thin clear mucous from pouring out of you! This bitter action and
strong affinity for the stomach makes it a potentially ideal remedy for Cancer types
(especially the full Moon types).
• Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)- This is another interesting remedy with a strong
affinity for the Water Element. Classically called, “the little alchemist” (hence the latin
genus Alchemilla), this plant collects Water in its leaves and in a way micro-distills it. A
member of the Rose family (Rosacea), Lady’s Mantle is a classic remedy used to tonify
the inner Waters of the body, specifically the womb and female reproductive system, but
it could be used as well on the digestive and possibly the cardiovascular system as well
(such as for hemorrhoids or varicose veins). But it’s main site of action is on the womb,
helping to bring tone to tissues that have become lax and loose. This is especially useful
for prolapsed conditions, excessive menstrual bleeding, and post childbirth.
Paradoxically, it is also a remedy used to stimulate menstruation as well.... tough to pin
those plants down with frameworks and rules sometimes! Energetically, this is in my
experience one of the most amazing remedies for highly sensitive women that need more
energetic boundaries.
• Schussler Cell Salt: Calcarea Fluorica (Fluoride of Lime CaF2- Calc. Fluor)
This particular mineral salt is found most concentrated in the surface of the bones and teeth,
as well as connective tissue and primarily elastic fibers. These elastic fibers help to maintain
the tone of these tissues and when this mineral salt is disturbed, we will see a chronic state of
relaxation in these tissues (damp/relaxation tissue state- or Water flowing out too much or in
the wrong places). This can lead to hemorrhoidal tumors, varicose and enlarged veins, uterine
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Botanical Constellations: Issue 4- Cancer
displacement and weakening of abdominal walls. Hence, the necessity for not only
astringents, but this vital mineral. Typically conditions in need of this Cell Salt are
interestingly worse in specifically damp weather and during rest (both of which are Cancer
qualities). Better with motion, rubbing and heat.
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