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It’s time to play…
”Let’s make a Deal!”
The mayor is busily preparing for the city council meeting. One of the
requirements he has for the “Friends of Fiefdom” and the “Fief Fighters” is to create a
feudal contract between the citizens and the mayor. The contract must outline the
responsibilities of the mayor and the citizens in order to maintain peace and structure in
Naperville. The “Friends of Fiefdom” will describe these responsibilities in the context
of Naperville as a fief. The “Fief Fighters” will discuss these responsibilities as if
Naperville was to remain a city. Each group is to present their final contract at the city
council meeting.
The “Friends of Fiefdom” and the “Fief Fighters” have both called emergency
meetings to work on their respective contracts. The leaders have asked that each member
create their own feudal contract to bring to the meeting. The contracts will be discussed
and combined to form one final copy that will be presented to the mayor at the city
council meeting. Remember: your goal is to maintain peace and structure in Naperville!
Good luck!!
Criteria used to assess this task:
 Provide space for necessary signatures.
 Include at least four issues of the essential
contractual structure.
 Follow appropriate mechanic guidelines.
 Use correct spelling and grammar.
 List at least 5 responsibilities of the mayor.
 List at least 5 responsibilities of the citizens.
 Make expectations realistic and relevant.
 See attached rubric for a detailed breakdown of points!