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The Skeletal System
The skeletal system acts as our body’s framework. The human
adult skeleton has 206 bones. These bones are interconnected
through joints and cartilage. The skeletal system has five
1. Shape and support
2. Movement – major muscles are attached to bones
3. Protect your major organs (brain is enclosed in your skull, heart
and lungs are encased in your ribs)
4. Factory – make red blood cells
5. Warehouse – stores phosphorus and calcium to make bones
Types of joints.
1. Ball and socket (shoulder and hip)
2. Hinge (everything else)
Bone structure
1. Parts of a bone
periosteum –
covering of the bone,
ligaments and
tendons are attached
to this
blood vessels – carry
nutrients and waste
to and from bone
marrow – produces new red blood cells
spongy bone – inner tissue, provides strength without
compact bone – dense outer tissue, resists shock and
cartilage – connective tissue between joints
2. Strongest bone in the body is the femur.
3. The leg and arm have a single bone in the upper portion and a
pair of bones in the lower portion.
4. The spinal column protects the spinal cord.
5. The pelvis can be used to distinguish the sex of the skeleton.
Male’s is heart-shaped and narrow, female’s is wider and
flatter (to allow for childbirth).