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How to Be More Effective: Tips for Extroverts
Just because one is extraverted does not mean that they have good social skills. Actually,
extraversion can actually sometimes get in the way of social graces because extraverts tend
to think out loud, sharing information faster than they are able to censor. With that in mind,
here are some tips for using those natural talents and making up for the quick tongue.
Interruption Fix
Don’t interrupt; easier said than done, huh? Stop yourself and apologize as soon as you
realize you’ve done it, even if you are mid-sentence. When you and another start talking at
the same time, insist they share their thoughts first. Realize that every time you cut
someone off, you are preventing the flow of new ideas.
Be a Boundary Spanner
Leverage your propensity to socialize into a career and organizational advantage. Establish
relationships with colleagues outside of your department, function, geographical location,
business sector, or industry. Things often come up in casual conversation that can help
break down organizational silos or bring new life to stalled projects. Be generous with
connecting people within your network.
Quick Tips
Listen. When others are talking, listen patiently, and pay attention to nonverbal and
potential hidden meanings.
Pause yourself. Ask if you have answered the question or check for understanding. Are
people listening or simply being polite?
Be concise. You may be long-winded with sharing experiences and giving examples. If you
cannot keep it short, be sure to summarize.
Ask for an opinion. It is likely that everyone is familiar with your stance on a subject. Allow
others to share theirs.
Create stimuli. If the office is too quiet, play some music to help you work. Use headphones
to be considerate to nearby introverts.