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Group 11 – Facts Document
Dog was hit by a car 3 days ago: Indicates cause of current presentation, consider
common injuries seen with HBC, and gives time line for progression of injuries/healing
of those injuries.
17 month old, intact male, black & tan Doberman Pinscher: Young animal important
in terms of bone healing and physeal closure; intact status could have contributed to dog
leaving home and being hit by car; large breed dog helps to clarify what parts of the dog
would most likely have been hit by the car. In addition, this breed is predisposed to
osteosarcoma at this age, but since this is primarily a forelimb neoplasia and we have
history of trauma we can rule this out.
Past history reveals healthy dog with no know problems: No other obvious historical
problems to consider while looking at current case
Inside/outside dog: Possible route of escape to be HBC. Consideration for management
plan – dog’s activity will probably need to be restricted during recovery.
Treated with 2 L LRS IV over 48 hrs: corrected probable hypovolemia caused by
trauma and subsequent shock.
500 mg prednisolone-sodium succinate IV in two doses over 12 hrs: could have
reduced swelling/inflammation. Consider possible immune suppression caused by
steroid administration. Consider possible side effects.
Duragesic 25 mg/hr for 1st 24 h after accident: could possibly mask pain, watch for
side effects
Butorphanol 5mg IM: could mask pain, watch for side effects
Cefazolin 700mg SC BID on 1st day, then 1000 mg PO BID since: prevent bacterial
infections particularly important with bony trauma, watch for side effects.
Fed 4 cups Big Red dry dog food daily free choice: consider putting on higher quality
diet during recovery
Lives with 3 other dogs, 3 horses, 2 ferrets, & 4 rabbits: activity level during recover,
need to isolate from other dogs to avoid playing
Respiration = 18 breaths/min : Low – normal variation – could be affected by current
medications. Rule out pneumothorax, hemothorax, or other thoracic injuries that would
cause increased respiration rate
Temperature = 99.3 : Low temperature, possibly caused by hypovolemia, consider
other causes
Pulse = 60 bpm : Low - normal pulse, could be slightly decreased due to medications
BW = 67 lbs : check BCS – consider nutritional plane for recovery. Animal is probably
not obese, which will make fracture recovery go more smoothly
Non-wt bearing on hind legs: Consider all causes: trauma to bone, joints, soft tissues,
neurologic, neoplasia.
Superficial/deep pain sensation in both hind legs: Has functional sensory nerves to
these areas, still potential for motor nerve dysfunction.
Reflex responses in hind legs inconsistent and nonrepetitive: Consider neurological
dysfunction, other causes for nonrepetitive responses?
Motor function present in both hind legs & tail: motor function present, coordination
of movements may not be intact.
Dewormed 2 weeks ago with pet store dewormer: on parasite control program
Distemper/Parvo booster due now: Probably not virus related
Rabies due next month: current on rabies vac
Upper L hind leg swollen: soft tissue injury, bone injury resulting in swelling,
hematoma, neoplastic all possible causes.
Bone continuity of L femur suspect/abnormal movement & crepidation: suspect
fracture of femur, disruption of coxofemoral joint, or pelvic fracture near joint.
L hind leg is swollen all the way to toes: Again, soft tissue injury, bone injuries,
hematoma, suggests involvement of proximal and caudal limb, possible edema
Diffuse subcutaneous fluid accumulation in L hind leg: same as previous
Bone/joint of remainder of L leg seems to be normal: focus further exams on femur/os
coxae area they are most likely involved primarily
Source of abnormalities could not be precisely located to L femur, hip joint, or
pelvis: could be any or combination of all, examine with further diagnostics
Joints of R hind leg appear to be normal: This rule out joint deformities from trauma,
look elsewhere
Palpable instability of bone of R tibia: probable fracture – use advanced diagnostics to
evaluate further
R leg swollen distal to stifle: focus on area distal to stifle – see L leg for possible causes
Superficial skin abrasions on lateral side of R hind leg: indicates how animal was hit –
either hit by car on lateral side of R hind leg or this is subsequent road rash from being hit
on left side.
Tibia does not appear to be continuous in mid shaft area of R tibia: Fracture –
radiograph to confirm
No pain/bone distortions could be palpated along spine: helps to rule out spinal
fractures, major spinal trauma