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Neetz News from ClassDojo.
If possible please sign up, it is the fastest way for me to get in touch with you and you with
I've been trying to get out a NEETZ NEWS letter but this is the best I can do for now. I just
want to touch on a few items.
Work that kids bring home not finished is always due the next school day. When I send home
a project it will be dated as to when it is due. Please check and sign planners. It seems the
ones who need it to be looked at most - don't get it signed.
Some kids have been testing regularly on AR but others have not even taken a test. Our goal
is to have everyone make his/her goal this marking period so I can bring in Annaka's bunny
as a classroom pet. They have a chance to visit the library every day and our room has
hundreds of books as well.
Next week I hope to start testing kids on their multiplication facts. 4th grade math assumes
kids know their facts and is more about process. One fact a week to memorize is an easy
way to do it. There are lots of bells and whistles to help with this but I have found good old
fashioned flash cards work the best.
We have two field trips planned for October, one is to the ISD Career Day and the other is to
Leaman Green Apple Barn. I need chaperons for the Apple Barn and that slip will go out next
week. It is October 16th.
I've taken up enough of your time for now. Please contact me with any questions. I am loving
the time with your children. 4th graders are fun, fabulous and our future.
Friends in Jesus,
Mary Beth Neetz