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Barbers Hill High School
[email protected]
AP World History
Text questions
World War Two pages 689-699
Directions; use the information in the reading handout to answer the following questions.
1. World War Two exhausted Europe as a ________________________________ and
propelled the __________________________________________ to new world status.
2. World War Two formally broke out in ______________________.
3. The early phases of the depression triggered growing political fragmentation in
___________________________, particularly through the rise of various
4. By 1937, the government of Japan was dominated by a tough
5. During the late 1920s, _________________________________ forces seemed to be
gaining ground in their effort to unify their chaotic nation after the 1911 revolution.
6. In 1931, the Japanese army marched into _______________________ and declared it an
independent state.
7. What issue caused Japan to withdraw from the League of Nations?
8. _______________________________ was the political and ideological leader of the
National Socialists Party in Germany.
9. The Nazis advocated many things, but among their leading goals was an
10. In 1933, Hitler took power ___________________ in Germany.
11. In Hitler’s view, the essence of the state was __________________________, and the
function of the state was ___________________.
12. ____________________ was the leader of fascist Italy.
13. By fascists leaders in Italy and Germany shared the same goals and promised their people
an ______________________________________________________ to achieve
nationalist glories.
14. List the four violations Hitler committed against the Treaty of Versailles.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
15. What was Frances’ and Britain’s reaction to these violations?
16. Who did Germany and Italy support in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)?
17. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), _______________________ was the only
nation to effectively support the republican forces.
18. In 1938, Germany peacefully annexed the German state of __________________.
19. Explain the terms of the Munich Conference.
20. British Prime Minister, __________________________________, proclaimed that his
policy of appeasement had won “peace in our time.”
21. Germany and the Soviet Union concluded an agreement to take over
22. It was Hitler’s attack on _____________________________ that convinced Britain and
France that nothing short of war would stop the Nazis.
23. By 1937, war had broken out in Asia between ______________________ and
24. List the nations who were members of the Tripartite Pact.
25. List the three main reasons why France and Britain were not eager for another war.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
26. Why did the United States maintain a policy of isolationism during the 1930s?
27. Germany and Japan enjoyed almost ultimate victory prior to the year’s
______________________; however, after these years the tide of the war switched to the
Allied nations.
28. List the three reasons why the tide changed to the Allied nations.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
29. It was the United States’ holdings in ____________________________________
_______________________________________, along with American attempts to
_______________________________________________________________, that
convinced Japanese leaders that a clash was inevitable.
30. In what year did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, thus bringing the United States into
World War II? __________________________________________________
31. Describe the German strategy known as the “Blitzkrieg.”
32. By the summer of 1940, most of ____________________ lay in German hands, while a
semi-fascist collaborative regime ruled in _______________________.
33. Hitler’s air offensive to win the skies over England was known as the
34. ______________________________ was the iron willed British Prime Minister during
World War Two.
35. The balance of the war in Europe shifted in 1941 when Germany invaded
36. As with Napoleon’s invasion attempt over a century before, _________________ also
came to the Russians’ aid.
37. American involvement in the European war began to make itself felt in 1942 when
American and British forces challenged the Germans in
38. After the failed German siege at _______________________________, in 1942, the Red
armies began to take the offensive on the Eastern front.
39. American and British forces second goal was the drive the Germans from the
40. Then in 1944, in order to open a second front on west of Germany, the American and
British forces invaded __________________.
41. In late April 1945, Russian and American troops met on the _________________.
42. What was the fate of Hitler? __________________________________________
43. Japan’s surrender in the Pacific was precipitated by ________________________
44. Japanese troops in China killed and tortured thousands of civilians. For example, in the
city of __________________________ as many as 300,000 civilians were killed.
45. Hitler’s decision to eliminate the Jews throughout Europe resulted in the
________________________________ deaths.
46. Define the term Holocaust. ___________________________________________
47. Why did American officials decide to use the atomic bomb on Japan?
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
48. The bombing of Hiroshima killed more than _________________________ civilians.
49. Overall, at least ___________________________ people were killed in World War Two.
50. Which nation had the most casualties, with estimates of 20 million dead?
51. Name the five nations that hold permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council.
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
52. Describe the primary mission of the United Nations.
53. It was at the ________________________________________ (1943) where the Soviet
Union pressed the Western powers to open a new front in France, which was done with
the invasion of Normandy in 1944.
54. It was at the ______________________________________ (1945) that the British,
Americans, and Soviet governments decided to divide Germany into four occupation
zones, which would be disarmed and purged of Nazi influence.
55. It was at the ______________________________________ (1945) where the allied
nations agreed that the Soviet Union would take much of eastern Poland, while the Poles
were compensated by receiving part of eastern Germany.
56. After the war it was decided that Japan would be occupied by _______________.
57. After the war ________________ regained most of its former territory.
58. Which nations, created in the aftermath of World War I, lost their independence
following World War II? _____________________________________________
59. After the war Soviet troops occupied the nations of; _______________________,
_________________________________, _______________________________, and
60. The peace settlements of World War II set the stage for two great movements that would
shape international contacts in the latter part of the 20th century.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________