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Rules and Regulations
of the Department of Biology and Medical Parasitology
The BIOLOGY course
For 1 year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Winter semester, academic year 2016/2017
1. Rules and regulations have been obligated since 2016/2017.
2. The course covers 40 hours including 15 hours of seminars and 25 hours of
practical classes.
3. Both seminars and practical classes are obligatory. Only a single absence
(with a documented reason) will be allowed.
4. There will be four partial tests during the semester: three theoretical (single
choice) and one practical (parasite identification on slides). The first one
theoretical tests will consist of 20 questions each (test time 20 min), while the
second and third tests will contain 10 questions (10 min). The dates of tests
will be posted on the board next to the door of the Department and on the web
page of the Department. In case of absence rate over 50%, no retakes
opportunities will be provided and this will result in the exclusion from the final
test and credit refusal.
5. Unexcused absences from a test or resit will automatically result in a fail.
6. Students may only take the final test after passing all partial tests, at least one
week prior to the date of the final test.
7. Students (in small teams) will prepare and present one work on a selected
subject (PowerPoint and typed forms).
8. The course will end with a final test. The test will be in the form of a singlechoice test (the passing limit is 60% correct answers). It will cover the material
presented during seminars and classes.
9. Students with a grade average of at least 4.5 (all class tests and presentation)
will have a final test covering only seminar material. In such cases the final
test grade will be determined as the average of these three: class test
averages (CT=30%), presentation (P=10%), and final test grade (FT=60%).
10. During the tests it is not permitted to carry mobile phones or other electronic
devices that record and/or reproduce sound and/or pictures.
11. English speaking students are under the supervision of Prof. Elżbieta
Kalisińska and dr Natalia Łanocha-Arendarczyk.
Szczecin, 21.06.2016 r
Head of Department Signature
Time table of Biology
For 1 year students of the Faculty of Dentistry
Seminars and lab exercises
Academic year 2016-2017
Unit 1 (3 October 2016)
Seminar: Parasitism and its concepts Part 1; symbiosis and its types (e.g.
parasitism); examples of parasitic organisms in taxonomical arrangement (biology,
ecology, morphology, and epidemiology of most important parasite species),
opportunistic parasites.
Exercise: Microscopic techniques
Unit 2 (10 October 2016)
Seminar: Parasitism and its concepts Part 2; examples of parasitic organisms in
taxonomical arrangement (biology, ecology, morphology, and epidemiology of most
important parasite species, opportunistic parasites)
Exercise: Morphology of parasites: Protista: Trichomonas vaginalis, Trichomonas
tenax, Giardia lamblia
Unit 3 (17 October 2016)
Seminar and Exercise: Morphology of parasites: Protista (Amoebae and
Apicomplexans): Entamoeba gingivalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Plasmodium vivax,
Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma gambiense, Trypanosoma cruzi
Unit 4 (24 October 2016)
Seminar: Non-essential elements (macro-, micro-, and ultra-elements) as well as
toxic elements with particular emphasis on fluorine, mercury, lead, and cadmium
Exercise: Morphology of parasites: Flatworms: Digeneans: Schistosoma
haematobium; Tapeworms (Cestoda): Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Echinoccocus
Unit 5 (7 November 2016)
Seminar: Xenobiotics: the environmental factors, the tolerance range, the
bioaccumulation, biotransformation, biomagnification
Exercise: Morphology of parasites: Roundworms: Nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides,
Trichinella spiralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura
Unit 6 (14 November 2016)
Seminar: Influence of mercury and fluoride on human health and environment
Exercise: Morphology of parasites: Arthropods: Ticks: Ixodes ricinus; Mites:
Demodex folliculorum, Sarcoptes scabiei; Insects: Pediculus humanus, Phtirus pubis,
Pulex irritans, Cimex lectularius
Unit 7 (21 November 2016)
Seminar: Test (classes 2-6) and parasite identification on slides. Introduction to
cell structure and biology; DNA and RNA-their structure and spatial arrangement; cell
cycle; sexual reproduction; cell division in prokaryotes, cell division in eukaryotes
Exercise: Mitosis.
Unit 8 (28 November 2016)
Seminar: Parameters characterising human populations and its diversity.
Demographic explosion. Part 1
Exercise: Meiosis. Gametogenesis: oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Hormonal
regulation of oogenesis and spermatogenesis in humans.
Unit 9 (5 December 2016)
Seminar and Exercise: Test (classes 7-8). Chromosome structure in prokaryotes
and eukaryotes. Human chromosome types. Chromosomes X and Y. Sex chromatin,
Barr body as well as Y body.
Unit 10 (12 December 2016)
Seminar and Exercise: Cytogenetic diagnostics methods. Karyotype: normal, and
abnormal. Chromosome aberrations; Down, Turner and Klinefelter syndromes.
Karyotype preparation and chromosome bending techniques and their importance in
cytogenetic diagnostic.
Unit 11 (19 December 2016)
Seminar: Parameters characterising human populations and its diversity.
Demographic explosion. Part 2.
Exercise: Human genome; nuclear genome and mitochondrial genome.
Mitochondrial diseases/disorders; gene concept; coding and non-coding DNA.
Inheritance patterns. Antigens associated with red blood cells, blood types/blood
groups (ABO, MN, Rh systems).
Unit 12 (09 January 2017)
Seminar and Exercise: Disorders based on autosomal, dominant, autosomal
recessive, and X-linked mutations. Theoretical genetic exercises.
Unit 13 (16 January 2017)
Seminar and Exercise: Test (classes 9-12). Student presentations (toxicological
and parasitological subjects)
Unit 14 (23 January 2017)
Exercise: Diagnostic methods in parasitology.
Unit 15
Test retake
For 1st year students of the Faculty of Dentistry
Seminars and lab exercises
Academic year 2016-2017
English speaking students are under the supervision of Prof. Elżbieta Kalisińska and
dr Natalia Łanocha-Arendarczyk.