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Study Guide
Plate Tectonics
Test on Friday, January 27th
1. What are the four layers of Earth? What state of matter is each layer?
2. What happens to the temperature and pressure as you move toward
the center of Earth?
3. What types of plates make up the crust? How are they different from
one another?
4. What happens in the mantle?
5. Why is the outer core important for life on Earth?
6. How do we know what is in the center of the Earth?
7. Who was Alfred Wegner and what idea did he come up with?
8. What four clues help support continental drift? (be able to explain
9. Why didn’t other scientists accept this theory at first?
10.Who was Harry Hess and what idea did he come up with?
11.What two clues support seafloor spreading?
12.What are the three types of plate boundaries? Be able to draw a
diagram for each.
13.What forms/happens at each type of plate boundary (mountains,
volcanoes, trenches, etc.) and geographic locations where examples
can be found.
14.Can you look at a plate map with arrows and tell me what
(earthquake, mountains form, volcanoes, tsunami, rift valley) will
happen at the convergent/divergent/transform zones?
15.What is a convection current and what does it have to do with plate
tectonics? Where does it occur? (think of the lava lamp)
16.Where do earthquakes and volcanoes usually occur? Why?
17.What should you do to be safe during an earthquake or tsunami?
18.What type of plate boundaries will usually result in volcanoes?
19.What is a hot spot and how does it form?
20.Where is the Ring of Fire and why is it named that?
The test will be multiple choice and open-ended. Use your notes,
worksheets, lab activities, and chapters 4, portions of chapters 5 and 6
to help you prepare for the test.