Download 7th International Symposium on Fish Parasites

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The IVth Conference of the
Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
“Parasites and infectious diseases in a changing world”
University of Oslo June 19th – 22nd 2011
Absolute deadline for the abstract submission is Monday June 6th 2011
At least one author (preferably corresponding author) must formally register
Please send this “Abstract application form” with the Abstract(s) as attachment to the
e-mail address: [email protected]
Presentation Form
(Use X in the preferred form. Only PowerPoint is available for oral presentations.If there is
sufficient demand, we would like to offer poster authors the opportunity to give a 5 minute oral
introduction to their poster. Please check the box if you are interested in this option.)
Oral presentation only
Poster presentation only
Oral introduction to Poster
Surname of the first author:
First name of the first author:
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Phone number:
Post address:
Main field of study:
Title of Abstract:
Three keywords to define the abstract:
Corresponding Author’s name:
Corresponding Author’s address:
Corresponding Author’s e-mail:
Corresponding Author’s phone number:
Corresponding Author’s fax number:
List of all Authors:
Please indicate at least two session preferences. See List of Topics:
Preliminary list of topics:
Emerging Parasitic Diseases
Parasite Taxonomy and Systematics
Phylogeography - Cryptic species
Parasite and Host evolution
Parasite Biology and Ecology
Museomics and Parasitology
Parasite Bacteria interaction
Arctic Parasitology
Gyrodactylus - Lessons from molecules
Required Abstract Format
The abstracts will not be edited, so they are entirely on author’s responsibility. All abstracts must
be submitted in English (UK English spelling), single spaced, and total abstract length including
spacers, 2000 characters. The abstract must fit within the abstract form: 16 cm wide x max 23
cm high. The abstracts must be printed using Times New Roman with font 12 and include but
without headings (see the example below):
TITLE: Written in bold capital and lower-case letters, use 16 point font size and left
alignment. Leave a single space line between title and author’s names
NAME OF AUTHORS: Use bold capital and lower-case letters, use 11 point font size
and left alignment (complete surname, first name(s) abbreviated with initial(s), separating
all (except the last author) by commas and the last author with "&". Use numeric
superscript indices in front of surnames if belonging to different institutions. The name of
the abstract-presenting author must be underlined.
AFFILIATION: Leave a single space line between author’s names and affiliation. Use
numeric superscript indices in front of affiliation according to as noted in authors. Use
italic, 11 point font size; separate affiliations with “semicolon”.
TEXT: Leave a single space line between affiliation and text. Tables, plots and figures
are not accepted. Use 11 point font size, names of species and genus in italic. Genus and
species names should be written in full on first mention and then abbreviated on
subsequent mention. Text should include the objectives, material and methods, results,
and conclusions, but without using those terms as subtitles. References should be
indicated in the text without titles (e.g. Casey et al. 2003. Systematic Parasitology 56, 163;
except for books, e.g.: Thomas, F. et al. 2005. Parasitism & Ecosystems. Oxford
University Press, Oxford). The text must fit within the rectangle of the abstract form.
acknowledgements. Use 11 point font size.
Use of ITS rDNA for discrimination of European greenand brown-banded sporocysts within the genus
Leucochloridium Carus, 1835 (Digenea: Leucochloriidae)
Casey, S.P., 2Bakke, T.A., 2Harris, P.D. & 1Cable, J.
School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3TL, UK; 2Natural History
Museum, University of Oslo, NO-0562 Oslo, Norway
Transmission of Leucochloridium species to their definitive avian hosts may be facilitated
by the rhythmic movement of coloured sporocyst broodsacs in the ocular tentacles of
infected snails. These broodsacs resemble caterpillars and by enticement increase the
probability of predation by birds. Broodsac banding pattern and colour (green, yellow to
red/brown) have traditionally formed part of the taxonomic criteria for the genus. In this
study, sequence divergence of the 5.8S rDNA gene and associated internal transcribed
spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) in two of the most frequently observed Leucochloridium taxa
from Europe is related to broodsac type based on colour and banding pattern. The present
green-banded broodsac (L. paradoxum Carus, 1835) and brown-banded broodsac forms
(L. variae McIntosh, 1932) differ in ITS sequence by 6.8%, confirming their distinctness.
No intraspecific differences were noted within each colour morph in specimens collected
from Poland, Denmark or Norway, indicating that a single taxon of each type occurs in
Europe. The significance of these findings to our understanding of metapopulation
dynamics and evolutionary ecology of Leucochloridium is discussed.