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IT 11
Information Technology Quiz
Answer each of the following questions by choosing the best answer
1. What best describes the CPU?
a) a chip inside the computer where data can be stored for later
b) a chip inside the computer that processes data and controls the flow of data
c) a device that displays data
d) a device that lets the user enter data
The ROM memory in a computer
contains basic operating instructions for the computer to boot itself up
contains temporary information that gets erased when the computer is turned off
is portable memory used in laptops, cameras, and printers
stores files that you can access next time you use your computer
3. The RAM memory in a computer
e) contains basic operating instructions for the computer to boot itself up
f) Contains data and instructions for processing it
g) is portable memory used in laptops, cameras, and printers
h) stores files that you can access next time you use your computer
4. What is Flash memory
i) contains basic operating instructions for the computer to boot itself up
j) Contains data and instructions for processing it
k) is portable memory used in laptops, cameras, and printers
l) stores files that you can access next time you use your computer
How many states do the electrical circuits in a computer have?
Two : + or four: + or – or * or /
three: on or off or wait
two: on or off
The language use by a computer is based on what number system?
base 10
What code is used to translate characters on the keyboard into binary?
Base 10
The amount of memory in a computer can be measured in
9. A byte is equivalent to
a) 1,000 bits (1, 024)
b) a 0 or 1
c) 8 bits
d) 100 bits
10. Clock speed (the speed of your processor) in a computer can be measured in
a) gigabytes
b) megabytes
c) megahertz
d) bits per second
11. A bit is equivalent to:
a) 1 thousand bytes (1, 024)
b) a 0 or 1
c) 8 bytes
d) 1 million bytes (1, 048, 576)
12. A megabyte (mB) is equivalent to:
a) 1 thousand bytes (1, 024)
b) 1 billion bytes (1, 073, 741, 824)
c) 1 trillion bytes
d) 1 million bytes (1, 048, 576)
13. What are the 2 different parts of the CPU?
a) logic unit and arithmetic unit
b) logic unit and control unit
c) address and register
d) register and control unit
14. The decimal number 168 converted to Binary is:
a) 10011100
b) 10101100
c) 10101000
d) 11001001
15. The binary number 01101101 converted to decimal is:
a) 123
b) 107
c) 145
d) 109
16. An Ethernet card allows you to:
a) hook up a monitor
b) hook up to a network
c) hook up external devices
d) hook up speakers
19. Which best describes the motherboard in a computer?
a) a chip that does all the processing in the computer
b) a temporary memory area that holds recently used instructions
c) a permanent storage device that lets you save data
d) the main circuit board in the computer
20. Which of the following describes an area in memory where data is stored ?
a) cache
c) logic unit
d) address
21.A USB port allows you to:
a) hook up to the internet
b) hook up to a network
c) hook up external devices
d) plug in a sound card
22. Put the following steps of the boot process in their correct order by putting a number in front of each one:
_____ Check I/O ports
______ System Instructions
______ Load Operating System
______ Check all chips
Virtual Memory is
a) extra RAM you can add to your computer
b) an extra hard drive you add to your computer
c) a special type of ROM in your computer
d) an area of the hard drive used as an extra memory area
24. The operating system is responsible for
a) managing resources
b) managing files and folders
c) managing applications
d) all of the above
25. A FAT is….
a) an extra large hard drive
b) a table that keeps track of where files are stored on the hard drive
c) a location in memory where data is stored
d) a table of where data is kept in RAM
26. These are the communication circuit paths in the computer that carry data between the CPU, memory and
expansion slots:
a) Cache
b) address
c) register
d) Bus
29. Put the following steps of a machine cycle into their proper order:
_______ execute the command
_______ store the results
________fetch a command
________ interpret the command
30. A computer can move data and instructions back and forth between RAM memory and storage devices, as it
needs to access it. This is called:
a. virtual memory
b. swapping
c. flashing
d. pipelining