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Chapter 22 Homework Questions
Chapter 22 Section 1
How and why did the United States support France’s Vietnam War efforts?
Why did the United States support canceling elections?
Why was the Diem regime unpopular?
How did the Tonkin Gulf Resolution lead to greater U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?
In a chart like the one in #2 on page 735, cite the Vietnam policy for each of the following presidents: Truman, Eisenhower,
Kennedy, and Johnson. Choose one of the four presidents and explain his goals in Vietnam.
How did the United States become more involved in the war? Explain your answer in a short paragraph.
In what ways was America’s support of the Diem government a conflict of interests? Cite examples to support your answer.
Chapter 22 Section 2
What differing opinions did Johnson’s advisers have about Vietnam?
Why did the U.S. forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong?
In what way did the United States underestimate the Vietcong?
What factors led to the low morale of U.S. troops?
What led to the growing concern in America about the Vietnam War?
Why did Americans fail to win the “hearts and minds” of the Vietnamese?
In a paragraph, contrast the morale of the U.S. troops with that of the Vietcong. Use evidence from the text to support your
What were the effects of the nightly TV coverage of the Vietnam War? Support your answer with examples from the text.
Think About:
a. Television images of Americans in body bags,
b. The Johnson administration’s “credibility gap”.
Chapter 22 Section 3
Why did King call African Americans’ fighting in Vietnam an “irony”?
What concerns about American democratic society did the New Left voice?
For what reasons did the protesters oppose the Vietnam War?
Do you think it was right for the government to imprison draft resisters? Explain.
What were the key issues that divided America?
Imagine it is 1967. Do you think you would ally yourself with the hawks or the doves? Give reasons that support your position.
Do you agree that antiwar protests were “acts of disloyalty”? Why or why not?
Chapter 22 Section 4
1. Describe the effects Tet Offensive had on American public opinion about the war and President Johnson’s popularity.
2. Summarize why President Johnson decided not to run for reelection in 1968.
3. Summarize some of the events that happened in the U.S. in 1968 that led it to be characterized as a year of “lost control” in
4. Why did riots occur at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968?
5. Answer #2 in the Section Assessment on page 753 (timeline of important events in 1968).
Chapter 22 Section 5:
1. Describe the U.S. policy of “vietnamization”.
2. Why did President Nixon increase bombing of North Vietnam and in the neighboring countries of Laos and Cambodia even
though he was calling for “peace with honor” in Vietnam?
3. Explain how campus shootings at Kent State University in Ohio and Jackson State in Mississippi demonstrated the continued
divisions within the country.
4. Explain the textbook’s point that “the Pentagon Papers confirmed [many Americans’] belief that the government had not been
honest about its war intentions.”
5. Summarize key events that led to the withdrawal of the last U.S. combat troops in March 1973.
6. Describe how Vietnam veterans generally had much different experiences than World War II veterans following their return to
the United States.
7. Summarize what happened in Southeast Asia following the end of the Vietnam War.
8. How does the War Powers Act, passed in 1973, limit the war powers of the President?