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Unit 5 Lesson 2 Notes 1
Pythagorean Theorem
Since we square the numbers in the Pythagorean Theorem, let’s review
squaring and taking the square root.
When we square a number, we multiply the base times itself.
1) 22 = _____
2) 42
= _____
3) 52 = _____
When we take the square root of a number, we are finding what we could
square to get that number.
The symbol for square root is: ______
1) √4 = _____
2) √9 = _____
3) √16 = ______
Pythagorean Theorem
If you have a _______triangle and you square the lengths of the _____,
then add those together, that will equal the square of the length of the
Formula: a2 + b2 = c2 where a and b are the lengths of the ______ and c is
the length of the ________________.
Label each triangle with a, b, and c.
Unit 5 Lesson 2 Notes 1
Example 1: An oak tree is 8 yards tall and a bird is standing on the ground
6 yards from the tree. If a bird flies directly to the top of the tree, how far will
it fly?
Example 2: Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for c if b= 3 and a = 4.
Example 3) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for c if a = 5 and b = 4
Unit 5 Lesson 2 Notes 1