Download skeletal muscle

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Topics to study:
 5 functions of muscular system
 Skeletal Muscle Organization (Figure 10-6)
 Skeletal muscle anatomy- define & label
o Connective tissues- epi, peri, endomysium
o Blood vessels and nerves
o Sarcolemma
o Sarcoplasm
o Sarcomeres
o T tubules
o Myofibrils
o SR
o Terminal cisternae
o Triad
 Structure of sarcomere
o Draw and label at rest
o Sliding filament theory- how contraction changes sarcomere structure
 Structure of thick and thin filaments- the proteins (e.g. nebulin, F actin, G actin
 NMJ- draw and label, steps in how it works
 Steps of muscle contraction & relaxation- memorize, if given picture be able to
describe what’s happening
 Combine steps of NMJ with contraction steps
 Length-tension relationship of sarcomere- why too short/too long not good for
tension production, what is optimal?
 All-or-none principle
 Myogram of twitch contraction & tension
o Draw graph and label- stimulus, latent period, contraction and relaxation
o Explain what is happening on muscle fiber level causes these changes in
 Differences between wave summation, incomplete and complete tetanus, treppe
o Graph interpretations/analysis
 Control of muscle contraction- 2 ways
 Motor units and recruitment- how do they vary in # for different muscles in body,
when is recruitment used
 Muscle tone- What is it? Why do we need it?
 Isotonic vs isometric contractions
o 2 types of isotonic contractions
 Fast vs slow fibers
o Structure, function, etc (see tables)
 Hypertrophy vs atrophy
 Cardiac and smooth muscles- compare/contrast with skeletal