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Success is counted Sweetest
1. What analogy does Dickinson draw in this poem?
Those who never succeed and finally succeed know how great it is to succeed.
2. Is the analogy an effective comparison? why?
No, because the person who always win never appreciate it, but when the losers they
actually know how good it is to win. Fusion of opposites.
3. Purple is a color associated with blood shed in battle (Purple Heart). Purple is
also a color associated with royalty or nobility. What is the "purple Host" in line 5?
People who got shot in battle and live. They don’t know what it feels like to die.
4. Whose ear is mentioned in line 10? What is the ear forbidden to hear?
The dieing army who are not able to hear triumph.
5. Describe the image you see in the last stanza.
Soldier dieing on the field hears the enemy triumphs.