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上課日期 Date
2010/7/20 (Tue)
上課時間 Time
11:20 - 12:20
小山孝一郎 教授
國立成功大學 電漿與太空科學中心
Name & Affiliation
Title of Lecture
Overview of our solar system - what we learned from
planetary exploration?
Purpose of my talk is to encourage young students in Taiwan to learn
Lecture Notes
more about space, because space activity is playing essential role to daily life
of human beings, and even more important in the future. Space activity is,
therefore, equally important to the future of Taiwan.
In 1989, Voyager -2 approached one of the planets of our solar system,
Neptune , and took a picture of Triton, one of the biggest satellite of Neptune,
and found a kind of volcano which ejects gas of molecular nitrogen( we call
this , Cold volcano). Now Voyager -2 crossed the boundary of our solar
system (Heliopause). We observe this memorial year as the ending of first
stage planetary exploration. Now we are in the second stage of planetary
exploration, trying to study in more detail on the individual planet, such as
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, and Asteroids.
During space exploration period, technology such as long distant
communication between the earth and deep space crafts, has advanced, and
knowledge on our environment increased drastically. Global Position system
(GPS) satellite is being used in many places such as cars, and airplane. Radio
wave received by Taiwan satellites from GPS transmitter are being used to
know atmosphere temperature and humidity, and is used for the
meteorological study.
However the most important lessons which we learned from planetary
exploration are two. One is that our planet cannot be replaced by any other.
When we completed 1989 Voyager mission, we found that our planet Earth is
only one planet where we can live. There is no planet where we can live. The
second lesson is that our planet is being destroyed. These are Ozone depletion,
Deforestation, and Global warming.
In this talk I start on why we need space development (why we need to
go to space), secondly I talk why we need to know our environment, that is
why we need to do space science.
During the talk, I describe on the location where we human beings live in
our Universe, and describe the location of the earth in our solar system. I also
stress that our planet earth is extremely lucky planet by three main reasons.
The one is that distance between our sun and our planet earth is proper.
Venus is too hot to live (460 degrees in C) since Venus is 5000,0000 km closer
to Sun. Accordingly water vaporized , and this accelerated green house
Mars is too far from Sun, and it becomes very cold. The second one is
the size of the planet earth is proper. Because of the gravity force, the earth
can hold atmosphere. Our moon cannot hold the atmosphere, because the
moon is slightly small compared with our planet Earth. Thirdly our planet
earth has a magnetic field.
Because of the magnetic field, we are protected
by radiation, which caused cancer. I will describe in more detail why these
factors are important for the intellectual creatures.
I will describe how fragile our planet Earth is. The thickness of the
atmosphere is only 30 km compared with the radius of the Earth of 6300 km.
This thickness is equivalent to the thickness of the red skin of 10cm diameter
apple. Most of the water over the earth is salty, which we cannot drink. These
information described above should be well informed to as many human
beings to protect our planet Earth. We should work together for our future.