Download The Inner Planets Mercury Closest planet to the sun Fastest planet 1

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The Inner Planets
Closest planet to the sun
Fastest planet
1 year = 88 Earth days
No moons
Smallest planet
Temperature +425 C
Temperature -180 C at night
Core is made of iron
¾ of Earth’s surface is water
1 year=365 days
1 day= 24 hours
1 moon
Not to hot and not to cold
Water can shape things
Atmosphere is made of oxygen
Only planet we know of with life
When is faced the sun its day
when its not faced the sun its
Hottest planet
Sulfuric acid atmosphere
“Earths Twin”
Atmosphere will crush you
Heat is kept in because of gasses
in the air
Brightest planet in our solar
2nd planet to the sun
Venus spins the opposite direction
Known as the “Red Planet”
Core made of iron
Temperature -20C +20C
4th planet from the sun
1 year = 687 Earth days
Surface is dry with many craters
1/2 the size of Earth
Named after the god of war