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Modern America Emerges Test Bank
A. discrimination
B. women's rights
C. the right to vote
D. the denial of the right to vote
Susan B. Anthony
A. discovered a new comet
B. leader in the woman's suffrage movement
C. first American woman to earn a professional degree
D. first American woman elected to a national political office
The progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthy goals except
A. protecting social welfare.
B. promoting business monopolies.
C. creating economic reform.
D. fostering efficiency in the workplace.
Muckrakers were
A. politicians.
B. conservationists.
C. suffragists.
D. journalists.
A bill that originates from the people rather than legislators is known as
A. a recall.
B. an initiative.
C. a referendum.
D. an amendment.
In the mid-1800s, the majority of women who held jobs worked as
A. servants.
B. teachers.
C. clerks.
D. telephone operators.
In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed
A. dangers faced by coal miners.
B. corrupt business practices of the Standard Oil Company.
C. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry.
D. illegal deals between special interests and the government.
The first person to use the presidency as a "bully pulpit" was
A. William H. Taft.
B. Theodore Roosevelt.
C. Woodrow Wilson.
D. William McKinley.
The law that required truthful labels was the
A. Pure Food and Drug Act.
B. Meat Inspection Act.
C. Sherman Antitrust Act.
D. Interstate Commerce Act.
The primary goal of the NAACP was
A. voting rights for women.
B. better working conditions.
C. regulation of the banking industry.
D. equality among the races.
In the election of 1912, the candidate considered least pleasing to reformers was
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. Theodore Roosevelt.
C. William H. Taft.
D. Woodrow Wilson.
Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism?
A. need for a new source of cheap labor
B. thirst for new economic markets
C. desire for military strength
D. a belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture
Which country's residents became citizens of the United States in 1917?
A. Cuba
B. Hawaii
C. Puerto Rico
D. the Philippines
Who told the artist Frederic Remington, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war"?
A. José Martí
B. Teddy Roosevelt
C. William McKinley
D. William Randolph Hearst
For which action did Theodore Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize?
A. leading the Rough Riders
B. developing the Roosevelt Corollary
C. negotiating the Treaty of Paris of 1898
D. negotiating an end to war between Russia and Japan
In which of the following conflicts were U.S. military troops not involved?
A. the Boxer Rebellion
B. the Russo-Japanese war
C. the Hawaiian revolution
D. Cuba's second war for independence
Which of the following did the United States insist that Cuba include in its constitution?
A. the Boxer Protocol
B. the Platt Amendment
C. the Teller Amendment
D. the Roosevelt Corollary
On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build?
A. Monroe Doctrine
B. Open Door Policy
C. Platt Amendment
D. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
What war ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1898?
A. Spanish-American War
B. Russo-Japanese War
C. Philippine-American War
D. Cuban war for independence
Which of the following was not a cause of World War I?
A. American isolationism
B. imperialist competition
C. the stockpiling of weapons
D. European nationalism
Where did the assassination that triggered World War I occur?
A. Bosnia
B. Belgium
C. Alsace-Lorraine
D. the Ottoman Empire
What did the United States use to overcome the threat of German U-boats?
A. airplanes
B. groups of guarded ships
C. ships flying neutral flags
D. a fleet of American submarines
Which of the following was a result of the Selective Service Act?
A. African Americans could not become Army officers.
B. Women could serve in combat positions.
C. Troops were segregated by race.
D. Men were required to register for military service.
Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in World War I?
A. battlefront trenches
B. airplanes and tanks
C. hydrogen bombs
D. pistols and bayonets
Which of the following nations suffered the fewest casualties?
A. France
B. Great Britain
C. Austria-Hungary
D. the United States
Which of the following nations was not a member of the "Big Four"?
A. Italy
B. France
C. Russia
D. Great Britain
Who rejected Wilson's "Fourteen Points" peace plan?
A. Allied leaders
B. the Germans
C. the U.S. Senate
D. the League of Nations
What reason did Senators give for opposing U.S. membership in the League of Nations?
A. It would lead to international instability.
B. It would drain American finances.
C. It would interfere with free-trade agreements.
D. It would drag the United States into European conflicts.
All of the following were imperialist powers in the late 1800s except
A. Japan.
B. Spain.
C. China.
D. the United States.
José Martí, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, organized a guerrilla campaign to
destroy American-owned property in Cuba in order to
A. provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba.
B. retaliate against U.S. involvement in Cuba.
C. give money to poor Cuban natives.
D. recover his family's land from American control.
All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the
Spanish-American War except
A. Cuba.
B. Hawaii.
C. Puerto Rico.
D. the Philippines.
General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture
A. José Martí.
B. Pancho Villa.
C. Emiliano Zapata.
D. Emilio Aquinaldo.
The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to
A. restore the Manchu dynasty to power.
B. remove foreign influence from China.
C. set up a democratic government in China.
D. set up a Communist government in China.
The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by
A. negotiating with Colombia.
B. invading and attacking Colombia.
C. implementing the Open Door Policy.
D. encouraging and supporting Panamanian independence.
The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the United States to further
A. its trade interests.
B. its desires to annex foreign nations.
C. international diplomacy.
D. the establishment of democratic governments.
The rapid growth of industry in the United States helped fuel imperialism because
A. America needed unspoiled places for its workers to vacation.
B. Americans had more time to read about foreign places.
C. the United States was producing too many goods for its own people to buy.
D. Americans wanted to take over foreign factories and learn their secrets.
Teddy Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a
big stick" because
A. he allowed U.S. troops to beat foreign natives for breaking U.S. laws.
B. he studied West African methods for negotiating with foreign powers.
C. his soft-spoken personality made foreign leaders trust and admire him.
D. his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force.
Which of the following was not a result of the introduction of the assembly line?
A. higher worker turnover
B. reduced hours of the workday
C. decreased productivity
D. higher wages
Who gained most from the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment?
A. party bosses
B. ordinary citizens
C. state legislators
D. industrial leaders
Which of the following best states the primary goal of prohibitionists?
A. to eliminate the sale of alcohol to minors
B. to eliminate the use of alcohol in society
C. to reduce accidents in the workplace
D. to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors
Why were early progressive attempts to enact federal bans on child labor unsuccessful?
A. The bans had little public support.
B. Labor unions fought the legislation.
C. Factory owners simply ignored the laws.
D. The Supreme Court ruled such bans unconstitutional.
Which strategy was not employed by woman suffragists to obtain their goal?
A. They called for female workers to strike.
B. They advocated a constitutional amendment.
C. They tested the Fourteenth Amendment in court.
D. They convinced state legislatures to grant women the right to vote.
Which statement best characterizes Roosevelt's position on trusts?
A. Some trusts were harmful to the public interest.
B. All trusts should be busted.
C. Trusts were of benefit to the public interest.
D. Trusts were legal and could not be abolished.
Which statement best characterizes the position of Gifford Pinchot toward land conservation?
A. Unrestricted development was acceptable.
B. A multi-use land program was possible.
C. Further privatization should be prohibited.
D. Conservation should not interfere with industrial expansion.
Which of the following actions led to the defeat of Taft in 1912?
A. his overuse of the bully pulpit
B. his failure to continue the trustbusting of Roosevelt
C. his refusal to sign the Payne-Aldrich Tariff
D. his failure to unify the Republican Party
What effect did World War I have on the suffragist movement?
A. It delayed action as attention turned to the war effort.
B. It had little effect.
C. It caused a split within the NAWSA.
D. It hastened passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.
The presence of American merchants and ships in foreign ports aided:
(A) the spread of Calvinism to the middle colonies.
(B) the development of the "underground railroad."
(C) the development of an independent culture.
(D) the push for unionism.
(E) foreign missionary activity.
The public's response to Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped bring about:
(A) antitrust legislation.
(B) the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.
(C) the Mann Act.
(D) a strengthening of the power of urban political machines.
(E) the Panic of 1907.
" ... the policy of the government of the United States is to seek a solution which may bring about
permanent safety and peace to China, preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity,
protect all rights guaranteed to friendly powers by treaty and international law, and safeguard for
the world the principle of equal and impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese empire."
This quotation is part of:
(A) Burlingame Treaty
(B) Open Door Policy
(C) Boxer Protocol
(D) Kellogg-Briand Pact
(E) Stimson Doctrine
Which of the following has NOT been offered by historians as an explanation for the United
States entry into the war with Spain in 1898?
(A) President McKinley was too weak to withstand the multitude of pressures forcing him toward
a decision for war.
(B) Yellow journals created an irresistible war fever by publicizing atrocities allegedly being
committed by the Spanish in Cuba.
(C) American businessmen wanted to protect their investments in Cuba and assure a Cuban
market for their products.
(D) By the late 1890's the United States had assumed a world role that made it seem necessary to
dominate the Caribbean.
(E) Spain was blatantly interfering with United States maritime rights as a nonbelligerent power.
The ideas and ideals of Progressive reformers were NOT represented in which of the following?
(A) The Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
(B) The Fourteen Points ___ Also Unit IX___
(C) The Volstead Act
(D) The National Origins Act
(E) The Taft-Hartley Act
AMERICAN FOREIGN TRADE, 1900-1920 (in millions of dollars)
Export Import
1900 $1,499 $ 930
1905 1,660 1,199
1910 1,919 1,646
1915 2,966 1,875
1920 8,664 5,784
The table above shows which of the following for the period between 1900 and 1920?
(A) The United States was losing its industrial predominacne in the world economy.
(B) The United States had a favorable trade balance.
(C) There was an excess of foreign investments in the United States.
(D) Farmers opposed the expansion of markets abroad.
(E) American merchants were becoming complacent in their competition with foreign merchants.
The United States policy toward China at the turn of the century was expressed in the:
(A) Open Door Policy.
(B) Gentlemen's Agreement.
(C) Good Neighbor Policy.
(D) Lend-Lease Act.
(E) Marshall Plan.
Which of the following novels had the greatest significance in arousing public interest in the need
for a major social reform?
(A) Huckleberry Finn
(B) Gone with the Wind
(C) The Scarlet Letter
(D) The Jungle
(E) All the King's Men
One reason why Woodrow Wilson won the United States presidential election in 1912 was that:
(A) the Socialist Party supported the Democrats.
(B) an economic depression made the Republicans unpopular.
(C) the Republican Party divided its vote between two candidates.
(D) he promised to keep the nation out of any foreign wars.
(E) he received the political support of Theodore Roosevelt.
In terms of relative voter support the most successful third-party movement in twentieth century
America was the:
(A) Progressive Party of 1912.
(B) Socialist Party of 1920.
(C) Union Party of 1936.
(D) Progressive Party of 1948.
(E) American Party of 1968.
Which of the following reforms was LEAST frequently advocated during the Progressive Era?
(A) Direct election of United States senators
(B) Factory inspection laws
(C) The use of the initiative and the referendum
(D) Prosecution of trusts
(E) Laws prohibiting racial discrimination
Which of the following has NOT been suggested by historians as an explanation for the
development of American imperialism in the 1890's?
(A) The search for markets and raw materials by business.
(B) Pressure for military action by a growing officer corps in the army.
(C) The example of European colonial powers in Asia and Africa.
(D) Support for the idea of the "White Man's Burden."
(E) Competition for newspaper readership by the "yellow press."
As a result of the treaty ending the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired:
(A) Puerto Rico and Guam.
(B) Panama and Hawaii.
(C) the Virgin Islands and Cuba.
(D) Guam and Hawaii.
Criticism of Booker T. Washington arose in the black community in the early 20th century
(A) his public efforts at stopping segregation were a failure.
(B) he stifled opposition within the black community.
(C) he lived in the South, but most blacks lived in the urban ghettoes.
(D) Roosevelt and Wilson refused to invite him to the White House.
The "New Nationalism" of Theodore Roosevelt meant a:
(A) return to the "laissez-faire" principles of the late 19th century.
(B) program to end government regulation of industry and commerce.
(C) program to increase the regulatory powers of the state governments.
(D) strengthening of the regulatory powers of the federal goverment.
Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere is BEST characterized by his
belief in:
(A) American intervention in the affairs of nations when political stability was threatened.
(B) the need to allow European nations to intervene in Latin America.
(C) American recognition of the independent sovereign rights of each hemispheric nation.
(D) repudiation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Progressives believed that the ills of modern society could be solved by all of the following
methods EXCEPT:
(A) eliminating political corruption.
(B) limiting the powers of government.
(C) applying the skills of technical experts to social problems.
(D) good planning and sound management.
Muckraking journalists were most successful at:
(A) formulating a new philosophy of social reform.
(B) identifying the symptoms of social disorder.
(C) analyzing the causes of political corruption.
(D) prescribing solutions to social problems.
Of the following, the lowest priority in the progressives' list of needed political reforms was:
(A) the initiative, referendum, and recall.
(B) voting rights for blacks.
(C) the primary system of party nomination.
(D) direct election of senators.
Which of the following is LEAST related to the other three?
(A) Robert La Follette
(B) the "Wisconsin Idea"
(C) City manager government
(D) Regulatory commissions
"Will you affirm by your vote that you are an infidel to American power and practical sense? Or
will you say that ours is the blood of government; ours the heart of dominion; ours the brain and
genius of administration? Will you remember that we do but what our fathers did -- we but pitch
the tents of liberty farther westward, farther southward -- we only continue the march of the flag."
Which individual would have been MOST LIKELY to have uttered the above quotation?
(A) Interventionist
(B) Imperialist
(C) Isolationist
(D) Anti-imperialist
(E) Pragmatist
"The opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the
opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera house."
Which of the following would have been MOST LIKELY to have made the statement above?
(A) Theodore Roosevelt
(B) W.E.B. Du Bois
(C) Booker T. Washington
(D) Woodrow Wilson
(E) Josiah Strong
The Underwood-Simmons Tariff, one of the first major pieces of legislation passed in Wilson's
administration, was significant in that:
(A) it was passed over the president's veto.
(B) it caused a major split in the Democratic party.
(C) it substantially lowered the tariff and enacted an income tax.
(D) although touted as a reform measure, through "log rolling", it actually raised the rates.
Which of the following statements BEST describes President Woodrow Wilson's Latin American
(A) Wilson's policy was no different from that of President Roosevelt and President Taft.
(B) Wilson's policy was moral in nature based upon his increased awareness of the rise of Latin
American dictators.
(C) Wilson's policy cultivated friendship and confidence among Latin American nations.
(D) Wilson's policy was to use diplomacy for American business interests and use money to
advance foreign policy goals.
Theodore Roosevelt:
(A) hated big business above all things.
(B) believed that big business was the major obstacle to increased production and technological
(C) believed in free, old-time, uncontrolled competition.
(D) approved of big business as long as it used its power fairly.