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Label the cells and give the functions of each organelle. How do the different cell parts work together?
Whatwould happen if one organelle was missing from the cell? Discuss for each cell part. What does the relationship
between surface area and volume have to do with cells? Why is a high surface area to volume ratio good for a cell? How are
plant cells different from animal cells? What do animal have to do to make up for not having these organelles Draw the cell
membrane (the lipid bilayer). How does it work? What are the proteins in the cell membrane and their functions? What is
different about prokaryotes and eukaryotes? How are they the same? What kind of organisms are prokaryotes? What kind
of organisms are eukaryotes?
Label the cells and give the functions of each organelle. How do the different cell parts work together?
Whatwould happen if one organelle was missing from the cell? Discuss for each cell part. What does the relationship
between surface area and volume have to do with cells? Why is a high surface area to volume ratio good for a cell? How are
plant cells different from animal cells? What do animals have to do to make up for not having these organelles Draw the cell
membrane (the lipid bilayer). How does it work? What are the proteins in the cell membrane and their functions? What is
different about prokaryotes and eukaryotes? How are they the same? What kind of organisms are prokaryotes? What kind
of organisms are eukaryotes?