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Chapter 19 Study Guide
Early Latin America
The following terms, people, and events are important to your understanding of the chapter.
Make a note card for each of the following terms that includes the definition and at least three
major concepts connected to each. They must be hand written and no words from the front can
appear on the back. For example if the term Great Wall of China is given, you can not use Great,
Wall, of, or China on the back of the card. 3”x5” notes cards or 4”x6” are acceptable
Francisco Pizarro
Was of Spanish Succession
Hernan Cortés
Treaty of Tordesillas
Marquis of Pombal
New Spain
Tupac Amaru
Further notes need to be taken on the Following AP World History Themes and Skills
Theme 1: Interaction between humans and the environment: (Population patterns and impacts of
disease, Migrations, Patterns of settlement, Technology)
Theme 2: Development and interactions of cultures: (Religions, Belief systems, philosophies,
ideologies, Science and technology, Arts and architecture)
Theme 3: State building, expansion and conflict: (Political structures and forms of governance,
Empires, National and nationalism, Revolts and revolutions, Regional, trans-regional, and global
structures and organizations)
Theme 4: Creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems: (Agricultural and pastoral
production, Trade and commerce, Labor systems, Industrialization, Capitalism and socialism)
Theme 5: Development and transformation of social structures: (Gender roles and relations, Family and
kinship, Racial and ethnic constructions, Social and economic classes)
Key Questions: Answer the following question with your beat AP skills.
1. Discuss the nature of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Americas.
2. How were the social hierarchies in the Americas and Europe different? How did these
differences contribute to a sense of self identity in the colonies?
3. What was the nature of the exploitation of the Indians in the Americas?