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The Holy Trinity Baptist Church
The Irresistible Church
The Goal For Studying This Book: “We want to become churches that people love to attend
and that God uses to advance His Kingdom.” We want to live the words of 2 Corinthians 5:9,
both individually and as churches: We make it our goal to please Him. – Wayne Corderiro
Irresistible – When something is irresistible, it’s alluring, magnetic, relentless in its persuasion.
Something is irresistible when it can’t be refused.
Question: Think about something that is irresistible to you; what makes it irresistible? What
qualities does the church need to make it irresistible?
Aim of this Book: This book is about becoming irresistible to heaven. Becoming a church that
heaven can’t help but be deeply involved with; a church that God can’t help but bless and use for
His eternal purposes.
An irresistible church is not a perfect church. Rather it is one that is constantly aligning itself to
pleasing God. It is a people who position their hearts carefully and deliberately with the tenets of
the kingdom so that God is pleased to work in unrestricted ways. God is irresistibly drawn to a
church where every activity, every plan, and every leadership decision clearly displays His heart.
Do you see God’s heart being displayed throughout this church?
The closer our churches draw to God, the more irresistible they become to heaven. James 4:8
According to Wayne Cordeiro this is what does an irresistible church looks like?
You grow spiritually at this church. (You trust this church’s teaching)
You witness a strong sense of mission. (In this church you see fruit: Lives being
transformed, marriages healed and new leaders being raised up).
You long to go to this church every week. (Simply put you look forward to being a part
of its functions).
You want to invest in this church for the long haul. (You feel no compulsion to shop
around for a different church. This is your church)
You tell others about this church. (You feel a sense of healthy pride in your church.
You invite others to attend and you’re not worried about what will happen when they
You relax at this church, knowing that it’s a model of growth, not perfection.
(Mistakes are made, yet people own up to their mistakes, learn and grow from them).
People don’t have to look or act a certain way to be a part of this assembly.
You are delightfully challenged at this church. (You are inspired to live differently
because of what you have heard).
Any Church can be Irresistible
A church is so much more than a building. It is made up of individual lives, and collectively we
compromise what the Bible calls the church- the bride of Christ. The more we grow to be like
Christ, the more committed to His purposes we become, then the more involved in His mission
we are. We have the power to create irresistible churches, because we are the church.
Change must be empowered by the Holy Spirit, because true transformation is not man made!
Becoming an irresistible church is not about becoming a big church numerically. Blessing is not
always about numbers. At its core, blessing is about Spiritual Impact. Irresistible churches
have major Spiritual Impact!
The point of an irresistible church is never to simply see its members attend church each week
and then do nothing. It’s to attend, be equipped, and then go out and live purposeful lives for
God. A church must be a place where disciples gather-then scatter.
Read and be ready to discuss Chapter 1 next week