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We will be making a foldable illustrating the cell cycle for a cell that has 4 chromosomes
in each cell. That would be 2 pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Title: Cell Cycle
Parent Cell (top page)
The cell is in its normal working state making proteins and carrying out its job.
It has a nuclear membrane and 4 chromosomes.
Interphase (page 1)
Chromosomes replicate
Centrioles copied
Prophase (page 2)
Mitosis begins
Nuclear membrane dissolves
Centrioles move to opposite sides of cell
and send out spindle fibers that attach
to centromeres
Metaphase (page 3)
Chromosomes line up randomly in middle of cell
Spindle fibers connect centromeres to centrioles
Anaphase (page 4)
Chromatids pulled apart by spindle fibers
Chromatids pulled to opposite sides of the cell
Telophase (page 5)
A nuclear membrane begins to form
around each set of chromosomes
Mitosis ends
Cytokinesis (animal and plant) (back of booklet)
Animal cell: cell membrane pinches inward between two sets of chromosomes inside
their nuclei.
Plant cell: cell plate forms in middle of cell between two sets of chromosomes
On the back of your foldable, write your name.