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The Nervous System, Nerves, and Impulses!!
Please complete the following sentences:
Nervous System
The nervous system has two main divisions: the _______________________________________ which
has the brain and spine and the _____________________________________________which contains
the nerves and sense organs. The part of the peripheral we control consciously is called the
___________________________ while the part that is automatic and not controlled by us is called the
___________________________. The autonomic can either prepare us for action, ________________,
or prepare us for normal resting activities, _____________________.
Nerves are the basic units of the nervous system. They have three main divisions: the _____________,
the ____________, and the ____________. The ______________ is where a nerve receives
neurotransmitters. The ____________ is the body of the cell that keeps the cell alive. The __________
is the end of a neuron and is the part that sends nerve ____________. The ___________ is covered in
special cells called _______________________ that make the movement of a nerve impulse
Nerve Impulse
When a neuron is waiting to receive an impulse, we say it is at ______________________________. At
this time, ______ ion are concentrated outside the neuron and ______ ions are concentrated inside the
neuron both because of different _______________ rates and the _________ pump. When a
neurotransmitter attaches to the receptors on the ________________, it causes the ________________
to open and let _____ ions in. This causes the inside of the neuron to change its charge from _________
to ____________. Then the _________________________ open and allows _______ to leave the
neuron returning the change to ___________________. This change in change is called an
_________________________________ and triggers the adjacent parts of the neuron to also create an
_________________________________ leading to a wave we call a ____________________________.
If these __________________________ come together, we say they ________________________ and if
they split apart, we say the _______________________.
When an impulse reaches the end of the ______, there is a gap called the _____________. The impulse
stimulates the release of _________________________ which cross the _____________. If they
increase the chance of the next neuron firing, we call them ___________________ and if they decrease
the chance, we say they are ______________.