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1. Cleavages in Western Europe - Political Parties and Pressure Groups
2. The EU and member states - multilevel governance
3. Constitutionalization in the EU
4. EU judicial system - enforcement of the EU at the European and national level
5. EU law in the Czech Republic
6. EU constitutional and institutional system
7. Postwar American prosperity, 1950s’ conformism, McCarthyism
8. Affirmative Action. Discuss.
9. Immigration and multiculturalism
10. Regionalism in Geopolitical Theories
11. International Political Regionalism
12. Intrastate Regionalism in International Politics
13. Versailles system on political map of Europe
14. Cold war system on political map of Europe
15. Changes on political map of Europe after the collapse of Communism
16. EU enlargement – mechanism of negotiations, transition periods, behavior of the new
EU member states, next possible enlargement waves
17. The first great debate in theory of international relations: contents, political context,
18. Grand debates in the IR
19. Realism as a tradition of international thought
20. Liberal theories of IR
21. Introduction to public finance theory and welfare economics (I. The economic role of
government / government failures, II. Market efficiency – welfare economics and
Pareto efficiency, the utility possibilities curve, III. Market failure and the role of
government: failure of competition, public goods, externalities, incomplete markets,
information failures, unemployment, inflation, and disequilibrium; Redistribution and
merit goods, IV. Efficiency and equity – efficiency and distribution trade-offs,
analyzing social choices)
22. Public expenditure theory (I. Public goods and market failures - pure and impure
public goods, II. Efficiency conditions for public goods, III. Public choice: public
mechanism for allocating resources - the problem of preference revelation, the
problem of aggregating preferences, voting paradox, Arrow’s impossibility theorem,
the median voter etc.; Why do individuals vote?, IV. Public production and
bureaucracy , V. The problem of externalities: private solutions to externalities - the
Coase theorem, public solutions to externalities)
23. Taxation theory (I. Explain the five desirable characteristics of any tax system, II.Tax
incidence in competitive markets and in imperfect competition - which taxes could be
considered equivalent?, III. Taxation and economic efficiency: quantifying the
distortions, what is the impact of the taxation of consumption / the taxation of savings
/ the taxation of labour income?, IV. Optimal taxation: Why impose distortionary
taxes? Why does more progressivity imply more deadweight loss? Explain nonlinear
tax structures. What is the idea behind Ramsey taxes?)
24. The role of the EU in the social policy making of member states.
25. Comparative analysis: its nature and the scope of application in social policy analysis
and design
26. The birth and the development of welfare states in Europe.
27. New Institutional Approach to Economic Development
28. Human Capital and Economic Development
29. European Welfare States - typology, functions, instruments, challenges
30. Competences and instruments of the EU and the Member states in social
policy making.
31. Theories and methods of comparative social policy analysis.
32. Mass Media and Social Reality” Construction or Representation?
33. Media Effects: Interaction Between Media and Other Social Institutions
34. Media Economy” Advertising, Globalisation and Cultural Hybridisation
35. Media and Society: Macroperspective Approach (authors, concepts)
36. Media and Society: Microperspective Approach (authors, concepts)
37. Media Systems: Comparison of Czech Media and Media in your Country
38. Civil Rights Struggle, American Society and culture in the 1960s
39. Republican presidencies from 1981 to 1993 and their social and economic aspects
40. Challenges of the global economy facing individual social groups