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Biology Unit 7 Viruses and Bacteria
Virus and Bacteria Content Objectives
**Focus on the underlined objective codes to review for the test.**
7.1.1 Diagram and describe the components of a virus and explain why it is not considered a
living thing.
7.1.2 Compare and contrast the sequence of events in viral replication by the lytic cycle and
the lysogenic cycle.
7.1.3 Discuss the sequence of events of retroviral replication by using the HIV virus.
7.1.4 Discuss the relationship between HIV and AIDS. Include the mode of transmission,
symptoms, the immune system response and course of the disease.
7.1.5 Describe the structure, replication, and action of prions and how they cause disease.
(Know what a prion is)
7.1.6 Diagram and describe the components of a prokaryotic cell. (You will have to sketch
one out and label the parts)
7.1.7 Differentiate between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria and their subcategories.
7.1.8 Describe how bacteria have historically been identified and classified. Contrast to
current classification. (You will have to sketch out the three shapes of bacteria; also know
the prefixes that can be added to the shape terms)
7.1.9 Describe how bacteria reproduce and several ways that they obtain energy.
7.1.10 Describe survival mechanisms of bacteria at both the individual and population levels
(endospores, mutations).
7.1.11 Discuss three examples of how bacteria are useful to humans.
7.1.12 Define what constitutes an emerging disease and discuss several examples.
7.1.13 Define the term pathogen. Describe several viral and bacterial diseases; include the
causative agent, mode of transmission, pathology, symptoms and treatment.
7.1.14 Explain the purpose and correct usage of antibiotics and how bacteria can become
7.1.15 Describe the purpose and procedures of aseptic technique.
7.1.16 Explain the purpose and procedures for creating a streak plate. Define the terms
inoculation and incubation. (You will have to describe both the purpose and procedures for
creating a streak plate using a sketch)
7.1.17 Describe how the immune system combats infectious agents, specifically the roles of
T cells and B cells. (Know what both these cells do!)
7.1.18 Describe the purpose of a vaccine and the difference between an inactivated and
attenuated vaccine. Discuss why the flu vaccine is different each year.
College Readiness Skills
7.2.1 Create a model to illustrate the main components of a virus and the lytic cycle.
7.2.2 Demonstrate proper aseptic technique.
7.2.3 Create a streak plate with isolated colonies and then extract DNA from the bacterial
20E.1 Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or conclusion that is supported by a data
presentation or model.
24E.2 Identify key issues or assumptions in a model.
13I.1 Select a single piece of data (numerical or non numerical) from a simple data
16I.3 Find basic information in a brief body of text.
16I.4 Determine how the value of one variable changes as the value of another variable
changes in a simple data presentation.
20I.3 Translate information into a table, graph or diagram.
Biology Unit 7 Viruses and Bacteria – Chapter 18
Lab #20 Human Viral Disease
Lab #21 AIDS and It’s Affect on
the Immune System
Lab #22 Disease Webquest
Bacteria Journal
Dead or Alive
Viral Replication
Understanding Bacteria
Some Bacterial Diseases
Great Scott
Text book review questions
Activities Total
Virus and bacteria test
Examining a variety of lethal viral diseases
Comparing the operation of the immune
system in a person with and without AIDS
Examining and comparing both viral and
bacterial diseases
Journal that documents four days of bacterial
manipulation in a lab situation
Research on a transmittable disease involving
the creation of a small “Wanted” poster
Activity designed to help visualize how viruses
Series of activities and video guides to help
understand both emerging and virulent viruses
Video guide for exploring the many uses and
types of bacteria
Practice diagnosing patients with unknown
bacterial infections
Article describing an alternative to traditional
Section Assessments: P. 531 1-6; P. 524 1,3-5
Chapter Assessment: P. 535 1-15,17-33,37-39
Unit test covering all objectives, homework,
activities, labs, and lectures
*All answers should be written in logical statements or sentences, do not answer with a letter or single word.