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8th Grade Social Studies
Final Exam Review Packet
Directions: Answer each of the following questions to prepare for the final exam, which
is on June 7th and 8th. If you do not know the answer and are unsure where to find to
find the answer, use the index in your textbook to locate the correct page number.
Chapter 17, The West Transformed
1. Identify and explain reasons for Westward Expansion in the mid to late 1800s. (see
page 578)
2. Identify 3 problems farmers faced on the Great Plains? (see pages 596-598 in the
 ____________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Define the Transcontinental Railroad. Who constructed the railroad? Identify 2 major
railroad companies that joined to form the Transcontinental Railroad. (p. 581)
4. Why was the railroad so important to Western Expansion? Identify the effects of the
railroad. (p. 581)
5. Why were Plains Indians put onto reservations in the late 1800s? (p. 585-586)
6. Define:
Frontier: (glossary)
Manifest Destiny:
7. What role did the Buffalo have in Native American Indian lives? Give at least three
examples. (p. 584-585)
8 Define:
Homestead Act: (p. 595)
Chapter 18, Industry and Urban Growth/Immigration
1. How did the assembly line decrease the price of the automobile? (p. 612-613)
2. Define each of the following vocabulary words:
Free Enterprise System- p.616
Corporation- p.614
Trust – p. 615
Monopoly – p. 615
3. What problems were caused by large monopolies/trusts? p. 616
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. Why did the American Government pass the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? _____________
5. Define Sweatshop: p. 617
6. What occurred at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory? p. 617
7. Why did factory owners use child labor? What were conditions like? P. 617
8. How did workers try to improve their work environment? p. 618-619
9. Why did so many immigrants come to the United States? (pull factors) p. 625-626
10. Why did so many immigrants leave their homelands? (push factors) p. 625
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
11. Define each of the following vocabulary words:
Tenement – p. 622
Assimilation – p. 627
Nativism – p. 629
Steerage- p. 626
12. Why did Jane Adams start the Hull House? p. 622
13. What were the names of the two receiving stations where immigrants were
processed? p. 626
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 19, Political Reform and the Progressive Era
1. What was the Spoils System? p. 644-645
2. What exam was created to end the Spoils System? (p. 645)__________________________
3. Define:
a. Primary- p. 646
b. Graduated Income Tax- p. 647
4. What were the goals of the Progressives? p. 646
5. What were the goals of the Muckrakers? p. 648
6. How did the Progressives attempt to change or improve each of the following problems:
a. Bad Food/Medicine: p. 652
b. Monopolies/ Big Business: p. 650
c. Problems of workers: p. 650
d. Women’s Rights: p.656-657
7. What was the Temperance Movement? p. 658-659
8. Describe the philosophy(beliefs) of each of the following African Americans:
a. Booker T. Washington p. 660
b. W.E.B. Du Bois p. 661
c. Define Jim Crow Laws__________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 20, The United States Looks Overseas
1. Please answer each of the following questions regarding the examples of American
imperialism/expansionism listed below.
a. Alaska – p. 680-681
How did we acquire it?
Why did we want it?
When did it become a state? ________________________________________________________
b. Hawaii- p. 683
How did we acquire it?
Why did we want it?
When did it become a state? ________________________________________________________
c. Samoa Islands- p. 683
How did we acquire it?
Why did we want it?
d. Japan- p. 680
Did we acquire it? Explain.
How did the U.S. want to be involved with Japan? (In what way?)
2. Define the following:
a. Isolationism- p. 681
b. Imperialism- 681
3. China- p. 684-685
a. What was the Open Door Policy in China __________________________________________________________________________________
b. What occurred during the Boxer Rebellion?
c. What was the end result in China?
4. Spanish American War
a. Who was Cuba fighting? p. 688
b. How did Americans react to the conflict in Cuba? p. 688-689
c. What sparked the U.S. to declare war on Spain? P. 689
d. Explain the terms under which the U.S. gained each of the following as a result of
winning the Spanish American War.
Guam- p. 691
Cuba- p. 692
Puerto Rico- p. 692
The Philippines- p. 692
5. Define the Roosevelt Corollary (1904) – p. 696
6. Why did American want to build the Panama Canal? p. 694
7. What problems did they encounter trying to build the Canal? p. 694
Chapter 21, WWI
1. Explain each of the MAIN causes of World War I:
a. Rise of Nationalism – p. 706
b. Imperialism – p. 706
c. Militarism – p. 706
d. Alliances- p. 706
2. What was the SPARK that caused World War I? p. 707
3. What was the position of the U.S. when the war broke out? p.708
4. Explain how the United States tried to help the Allies win World War I? p. 709
5. What events helped push the United States into World War I? RUST p. 710-711
6. Identify 4 weapons/methods of fighting in WWII. P. 708-709
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________
7. How did Americans help on the home front? P. 714-715
8. What was the goal of Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points? p. 723
9. What was the purpose of the League of Nations? p. 725
10. Why did the United States Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles? p. 726
11. What problems did the treaty cause after World War I ended?
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 22, The Roaring 20’s
1. What was meant by a “Return to Normalcy?” p. 736
2. What was the Red Scare? p. 739
3. How was the Sacco and Vanzetti case an example of Anti-Foreign feeling in the U.S.
during the 1920’s? p. 739
4. What was prohibition? P. 741
5. What problems were caused by the 18th Amendment during prohibition?
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
6. How were consumers able to buy these new products in demand? Why was this method
a problem? p. 752
7. What new method was being used to buy stock? Why was this a problem? p. 753
8. Define:
a. Harlem Renaissance: p. 750
b. Scopes Trial: p. 744
9. Identify:
a. Langston Hughes – p. 750
b. Louis Armstrong- p. 747
10. Which two groups struggled during the Roaring 20’s? p. 754
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 23, The Great Depression
1. What were the 3 main causes of the Great Depression? p. 770-771
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. Explain the “domino effect.” p. 772
3. How were people’s lives impacted during the depression? p. 772-774
4. What programs did Hoover create to try to aid the public? p. 774-775
5. What was the New Deal? Explain. p. 776
6. How did the New Deal change the role of government in the American Economy?
7. What were the three R’s to the New Deal? Explain the purpose of each one. p. 777-779
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
8. Describe each of the following New Deal Programs and what they did:
a. Works Program Administration (WPA) –p. 778
b. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – p. 779
c. Social Security Act (SSA) – p. 790
9. Identify two arguments in favor of the New Deal and two arguments against the New
Deal. p. 792-793
a. In Favor:
b. Against:
Chapter 24, WWII
1. What were the long-term/indirect causes of World War II? (see notes/handout)
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________________
f. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. What was the immediate cause (spark) of World War II? p. 806
3. Identify the main dictators during WWII. Identify actions they took leading to WWII.
p. 802-804
a. Dictator: ____________________________________
b. Dictator: ____________________________________
c. Dictator: _______________________________________
d. Dictator: _______________________________________
4. Define:
a. Cash and Carry- p. 808
b. Lend-Lease Act- p. 808
5. Why did the United States enter World War II? p. 811
6. What happened to Japanese Americans as a result of Pearl Harbor? p. 818
7. Define Holocaust: p. 826-827
a. Who was persecuted during the Holocaust?
b. How were they persecuted?
c. How were the Nazi’s punished for their war crimes?
8. Why did President Truman drop the atomic bomb on Japan? p. 825
Chapter 25, The Cold War
1. Define:
a. Containment- p. 837
b. Truman Doctrine- p. 837
c. Marshall Plan- p. 837
d. Iron Curtain- p. 837
e. Satellite- p. 837
2. What new organization was created to maintain peace around the world after World
War II ended? p. 840
3. Summarize each of the following Cold War conflicts and give the dates:
a. Berlin Airlift – p. 838
b. Korean War – p. 850
c. Cuban Missile Crisis- p. 859
d. Vietnam Conflict – p. 906 (better to use notes provided in class)
4. What was the nuclear arms race? p. 855
5. How did the following individuals work to end the Cold War? p. 945-946
a. Mikhail Gorbachev__________________________________________________________________________________
b. Ronald Reagan__________________________________________________________________________________