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Лексический тест для итогового контроля
за 1-й семестр
для студентов специальности
" Геология и разведка месторождений полезных ископаемых" с
двухгодичным сроком обучения
Составитель: Чалова О.Н.
Вариант 2 (Geologists and their activity)
1. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово.
1. Geology is the study of the planet A1 ______.
2. Geology is concerned with the origin and development of the Earth, the materials which make it up and
with the structure of the surface and the A2 ______ of the planet.
3. Geologists study the processes which A3 ______ on and within the Earth.
4. Geology is vitally important to A4 ______ in many ways.
5. The Earth’s major resources include A5 ______ resources (such as metals and building materials).
6. The geologist has an important role in exploration and A6 ______ of resources.
7. The geologist has an important role in A7 ______ damage to the environment.
8. Earthquakes can make buildings fall down, set off A8 ______ and do other deadly things.
9. On Earth, there are a lot of A9 ______ of rocks.
10. One of the most important applications of geology includes the prediction and mitigation of geological
A10 ______.
11. Geological hazards include, for example, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and A11 ______.
12. The geologist is an essential member of civil A12______ .
13. Earth was born about six A13______ago.
14. A14 ______ is liquid rock.
15. Rocks sometimes form almost overnight, for example, when a lava flow cools and A15 ______ .
16. A mass of earth, rock, that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff is called A16 ______.
17. A17 ______ studies minerals as indicators of conditions of their formation.
18. A18 ______ studies origin of underground water, processes in the formation of water resources, etc.
19. The hazard of snow A19______ to life and property increases from year to year.
20. A20 _____ is a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth as well as the
processes and history that has shaped it.
21. Geologists may concentrate their studies or research in one or more of the following disciplines,
dendrochronology, economic geology, geophysics, A21 ______, etc.
22. A Geologist must have a broad A22 ______ training.
23. Volcanology is the study of A23 ______, their eruptions, lavas, magma processes and hazards.
24. Petroleum geology is A24 ______ exploration.
25. James Hutton is often viewed as the first modern A25 ______.
А1 1) Earth
А2 1) interior
А3 1) build
А4 1) kind
А5 1) solar
А6 1) product
А7 1) maximizing
А8 1) landslides
А9 1) species
А10 1) nuggets
А11 1) landslides
А12 1) engineering
А13 1) million
А14 1) elevation
А15 1) melts
2) Saturn
2) exterior
2) play
2) mankind
2) water
2) production
2) generalizing
2) slopes
2) breeds
2) hazards
2) underground water
2) war
2) billion
2) larvae
2) solidifies
3) Venus
3) decoration
3) act
3) monkey
3) mineral
3) prediction
3) minimizing
3) trenches
3) cliffs
3) mitigation
3) subway
3) life
3) thousand
3) lava
3) smells
А16 1) interior
А17 1) petrology
А18 1) mineralogy
А19 1) avalanches
А20 1) a geologist
А21 1) petrology
А22 1) scientific
А23 1) volcanoes
А24 1) oil
А25 1) ecologist
2) landslide
2) hydrology
2) petrology
2) magma
2) an ecologist
2) linguistics
2) magmatic
2) mountains
2) butter
2) engineer
3) underground water
3) mineralogy
3) hydrology
3) eruptions
3) a biologist
3) cookery
3) domestic
3) cliffs
3) water
3) geologist