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1. What is the name of the protist that causes malaria?
2. Identify environments where people are most likely to get/have
malaria? Swampy, warm/tropical areas.
3. What is the genus name of the mosquito that carries the
protist? Anopheles
4. List the symptoms of malaria. Fever, chills, convulsions (repeats
in cycles).
5. What types of cells/organ does the protist infect in the person?
Red blood cells and liver cells.
6. List some ways to control the spread of malaria. Control the
mosquito population. Drain standing water, use bed nets, avoid
areas/times mosquitoes are present.
Sickle Cell Anemia
1. What happens to the red blood cells, and how they travel in the
circulatory system, in people suffering from sickle cell anemia? The
red blood cells (rbc) take on a sickle shape and clog capillaries.
2. What ethnic groups tend to suffer most from sickle cell anemia?
People of African descent, but also shows up in ethnicities around
the Mediterranean.
3. How does a person get sickle cell anemia? They must inherit the
gene from both mother and father.
4. What disease do carriers of the sickle cell anemia gene get protection
from? Carriers of sickle cell do not get the disease, but get some
protection from malaria.
1. What is the insect vector that carries and spreads the
trypanosome protist in Africa? Tse tse fly.
2. What geographic area in Africa so people get the disease
trypanosomiasis? Who in this area is most likely to get infected?
Sub-Saharan Africa.
3. List at least five symptoms of trypanosomiasis/African sleeping
sickness. Personality change, slurred speech, irritable, confused,
sleep in the day and awake at night…
4. List at least 5 ways to prevent from getting
trypanosomiasis/sleeping sickness? Wear thick, protective clothing
that is neutral in color. Bed nets. Inspect vehicles for tsetse flies.
Avoid bushes during the hottest part of the day. Do not ride in
open roof jeeps and vehicles (safari vehicles).
5. What is the common name for trypanosomiasis in the
Americas? Chagas disease.
6. What is the insect vector that carries and transmits the
trypanosome protist in the Americas? Triatomines (kissing bugs)
7. Why is the common name for the insect the “kissing bug?” They
often bite on the face.
8. What types of houses do kissing bugs prefer to live in? Mud,
adobe houses with straw thatched roofs.
Red Tide and Dead Zones
1. What organisms are responsible for causing a red tide?
2. What causes the organisms to reproduce out of control to
cause a red tide? An overabundance of fertilizer and warm
waters. (Nutrient Pollution).
3. What types of organisms can store dangerous levels of
toxins, and be deadly to
people who eat them? Bivalves (clams, mussels….)
4. What are some symptoms that a person may experience?
Headache, dizziness, nausea, paralysis, respiratory failure.
5. What are some of the organisms that are killed by a red tide?
Just about anything that swims into it.
6. What are dead zones…how do they form? After an algal
bloom, caused by abundant fertilizer, the bloom dies off and is
eaten by aerobic bacteria. The bacteria use up all of the oxygen,
and a dead zone is created.
7. How does chicken farming contribute to dead zones?
Chicken waste/litter washes into the waterways (runoff).
8. Where are most dead zones found in the world? Near major
cities and agricultural regions.
9. List two bodies of water in the US that have constant dead
zones. Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay.