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1- Which of the following terms does not describe cardiac muscles?
a- Multinucleted
b- Intercalated discs c- Involuntary
d- Branched
2- Which of the following terms does not form part of muscle tissue?
a- muscle fibers
b- dentin
c- nerve fibers
d- blood vessels
3- Which of the following terms does not describe muscle tissue?
a- covering b- producing heat
c- maintaining posture
d- movement
4- Cardiac muscles are ………………
a- short, fat and branched
b- found in stomach and intestine
c- has no striation
d- voluntary
5- Each muscle fiber is wrapped by fine sheath of areolar connective called ……
a- Endomysium
b- fascicles
c- perimysium
d- epimysium
6- Several fibers are gathered side by side into bundles called ………………
a- Endomysium
b- fascicles
c- perimysium
d- epimysium
7- Each fascicle is bound by collagen a fiber layer called the ………………
a- Endomysium
bc- perimysium
d- epimysium
8- Which of the following is thin muscle fiber ………………
a- myosin
b- actin
c- tinin
d- nebulin
9- Which of the following is thick muscle fiber ………………
a- myosin
b- actin
c- tinin
d- nebulin
10- Which of the following is non elastic muscle fiber ………………
a- myosin
b- actin
c- tinin
d- nebulin
11- Which of the following is elastic muscle fiber ………………
a- myosin
b- actin
c- tinin
d- nebulin
12- The somatic NS controls the ……………… of the body and permits voluntary actions.
a- Skeletal muscles
b- cardiac muscles
c- smooth muscles
d- non of these
13- The autonomic NS regulates ………………… muscles.
a- Skeletal muscles
b- heart and vessels
c- internal organs
d- Both (b) and (c)
14- After Ach attaches to its receptors at the neuromuscular junction, the next step is ……..
a. Sodium channels open
c- calcium binds to regulatory protein
b. cross bridges attach
d- ATP is hydrolysed
15- The white appearance of the neuron is dominated by
a- unmyelinated axons
b- cell bodies of neurons, neuroglia, and unmyelinated axons
c- Schwann cells and satellite cells
d- myelinated axons
16- Chemicals released by one neuron to change the properties of another cell membrane are
a- hormones
b- anticholinergics
c- neurotransmitters
d- heavy metals
17- Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands are among the targets of the
a- somatic nervous system
b-sensory neurons
c- afferent division of the PNS
d- autonomic nervous system
18- The ____________ nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.
a- peripheral
b- autonomic
c- somatic
d- central
18- Compare between the following
Cardiac muscle
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle
Cell Shape
Nerve & hormonal control
Function & place
1- What are the main functions of muscle tissue?
a. Producing movement
b. Maintaining posture
c. Stabilizing joints
d. Generating heat
What are the main functions of Glial cells:
supply neurons with nutrients.
some consume foreign particles, and
some maintain ionic balance around neurons
Forms brain blood barrier.
What are the general characteristics of membrane potential at resting state?
Number of charged molecules and ions inside and outside cell nearly equal (meanly K+
and Na+).
Concentration of K+ is higher inside than outside cell,
Concentration of Na+ is higher outside than inside cell.
At equilibrium, there is very little movement of K+ or other ions across plasma
Name the two gated channels in nervous tissue and explain the difference?
Voltage-gated channels open or close in response to a change in the voltage across a plasma
Chemically gated channels open or close depending on the presence or absence of a specific
chemical that binds to the channel protein.
Explain how the cell transformed to action potential?
Initially the cell is resting at around -70 mV.
The cell becomes excited.
Channels open and the membrane permeability to sodium is suddenly increase greatly.
Na+ rushes into the cell (depolarization) creating AP.
Voltage-activated Potassium channels open.
Permeability to K+ increases slowly (Leaves) (Repolarization).
Positive charges accumulate within the cell.
The membrane potential approaches the equilibrium potential for Sodium (E Na).
Na+ channels close
K+ continues to leave the cell undershoot
- Name the types of muscle tissue and tell where each would be found in the body and the
general difference in structure, tiredness and innervations?
- What is the difference between isotonic and isometric muscle contraction?
- State the six steps of the Slide filament theory with more focus on the interaction between
ATP, actin and myosin.
Tight binding in the rigor state, the crossbridges is at 45° angel relative to the filament.
ATP binds to its site in myosin, then myosin dissociates from Actin
The ATPase activity hydrolyses ATP, and ADP + Pi, remain bound to myosin
The myosin head swings over and move to bind other actin molecule weakly at 90° angel
relative to the filament
5- The release of Pi initiates the power stroke, the myosin head rotates over its hinge, pushing
the actin filament past it
6- At the end of power stroke the ADP releases from myosin and myosin resumes the tightly
bound rigor stat.
- Name the different ways of neurotransmitters removal?
- Name six of the known neurotransmitters?
- Explain briefly how nerve impulses are initiated and transmitted?
- Why are the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscles important?
- Name the connective tissue wrapping the skeletal muscles beginning with the finest and
ending with the most coarse?
- Define neurotransmitters and its location, release, binding and removal?
- Describe the events that occur from the time a motor neuron releases acetylcholine at the
neuromuscular junction until muscle cell contraction occurs?