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AP Psychology Vocabulary
Unit 1- Research and History
1. Structuralism
2. Functionalism
3. Gestalt Psychology
4. Behaviorism
5. Biological View
6. Evolutionary Psychology
7. Developmental View
8. Cognitive View
9. Clinical View
10. Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic
11. Humanistic Psychology
12. Behavioral View
13. Trait View
14. Evolutionary/Socio-biological View
15. Operational Definition
16. Confounding/Extraneous Variables
17. Correlational Study
18. Naturalistic Observation
19. Longitudinal Study
20. Cross-sectional Study
21. Cohort-Sequential Study
22. Expectancy bias
23. Frequency Distribution
24. Significant Difference
25. Standard Deviation
Unit 2- Neuro-biology
26. Genotype
27. Phenotype
28. Neuron
29. Sensory Neuron
30. Motor Neuron
31. Resting Potential
32. Action Potential
33. All-or-none Principle
34. Synaptic Transmission
35. Neurotransmitters
36. Plasticity
37. Glial Cells
38. Nervous System
39. Motor Cortex
40. Somatosensory Cortex
41. Endocrine System
42. Pituitary Gland
43. Agonist
44. Antagonist
45. EEG; Electroencephalograph
46. CT; Computerized Tomography Scan
47. PET; Positron Emission Tomography
48. MRI; Magnetic Resonance Imaging
49. fMRI; Functional Magnetic Resonance
50. Association Cortex
Parts of the Brain
51. Brain Stem
52. Cerebellum
53. Thalamus
54. Limbic System
55. Amygdala
56. Hypothalamus
57. Hippocampus
58. Pons
59. Reticular Formation
60. Medulla
61. Frontal Lobe
62. Parietal Lobe
63. Occipital Lobe
64. Temporal Lobe
65. Corpus Callosum
66. Werrnicke’s Area
67. Brocca’s Area
Unit 3- Sensation and Perception
68. Sensation
69. Perception
70. Transduction
71. Sensory Adaptation
72. Absolute Threshold
73. Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
74. Retina
75. Fovea
76. Opponent-Process Theory
77. Cochlea
78. Basilar Membrane
79. Vestibular Sense
80. Kinesthetic Sense
81. Gate-Control Theory
82. Placebo Effect
83. Percept
84. Feature Detectors
Bottom-Up Processing
Top-Down Processing
Law of Perceptual Grouping
Law of Similarity
Law of Proximity
Law of Continuity
Law of Common Fate
Law of Pragnanz
Perceptual Set
Unit 4- States of Consciousness
94. Consciousness
95. Cognitive Neuroscience
96. Circadian Rhythms
97. REM Sleep
98. NREM Sleep
99. REM Rebound
Manifest Content
Latent Content
Physical Dependence
Psychological Dependence
Unit 5- Learning
Mere Exposure Effect
117. Behavioral Learning
118. Classical Conditioning
119. Neutral Stimulus
120. Unconditioned Response (UCR)
121. Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
122. Acquisition
123. Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
124. Conditioned Response (CR)
125. Extinction
126. Spontaneous Recovery
127. Stimulus Generalization
128. Operant Conditioning
129. Continuous Reinforcement
130. Shaping
131. Intermittent Reinforcement
132. Fixed Ratio Schedules (FR)
133. Variable Ratio Schedules (VR)
134. Fixed Interval Schedules (FI)
135. Variable Interval Schedules (VI)
136. Premack Principle
137. Punishment
138. Omission Training (Negative
139. Long-Term Potentiation
Unit 6- Memory
140. Sensory Memory
141. Working Memory
142. Long-Term Memory (LTM)
143. Maintenance Rehearsal
144. Elaborative Rehearsal
145. Levels of Processing Theory
146. Anterograde Amnesia
147. Consolidation
148. Retrograde Amnesia
149. Implicit Memory
150. Explicit Memory
151. Mood-Congruent Memory
152. Transience
153. Blocking
154. Proactive Interference
155. Retroactive Interference
156. Serial Position Effect
157. Misattribution
158. Self-Consistency Bias
159. Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
160. Morphemes
161. Overregularization
162. Prototype
163. Schemas
164. Script
165. Algorithms
166. Heuristics
167. Mental Set
168. Functional Fixedness
169. Overlearning
Unit 7- MESH
170. Lateralization of Emotion
171. James-Lange Theory
172. Cannon-Bard Theory
173. Two-factor Theory
174. Cognitive Appraisal Theory
175. Opponent-process Theory
176. Emotional Intelligence
177. Motivation
178. Drive
179. Instinct Theory
180. Fixed-action Patterns
181. Homeostasis
182. Locus of Control
183. Overjustification
184. Need for Achievement
185. Approach-approach Conflict
186. Approach-avoidance Conflict
187. Avoidance-avoidance Conflict
188. Multiple Approach-avoidance Conflict
189. Learned Helplessness
Unit 8- Lifespan Development
190. Continuity View
191. Discontinuity View
192. Zygote
193. Embryo
194. Fetus
195. Teratogens
196. Attachment
197. Imprinting
198. Schemas
199. Assimilation
200. Accomodation
201. Each of Piaget’s 4 stages
202. Animistic Thinking
203. Centration
204. Irreversibility
205. Conservation
206. Zone of Proximal Development
207. 5 stages of Death and Dying
208. Erikson’s 8 stages of Development
Unit 9- Personality
209. Personality
210. Psychoanalytic Theory
211. Unconscious
212. Id
213. Ego
214. Superego
215. Psychosexual Stages
216. Penis Envy
217. Ego Defense Mechanism
218. Projective Tests
219. Neo-Freudian
220. Archetypes
221. Introversion
222. Extraversion
223. Neurotic Needs
Unit 10- IQ
224. Validity
225. Reliability
226. Face Validity
227. Content Validity
228. Criterion Validity
229. Test-Retest Validity
230. Split-half Reliability
231. Objective Test
232. Subjective Test
233. Inter-rater Reliability
234. IQ
235. Chronological vs. Mental Age
236. Mental Retardation
237. Giftedness
238. Savantism
239. G Factor
240. Crystallized Intelligence
241. Fluid Intelligence
242. Triarchic Theory
243. Multiple Intelligence
244. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
245. Eugenics
Unit 11- Abnormal Psychology
246. Psychopathology
247. Hallucinations
248. Delusions
249. Affect
250. DSM-IV
251. Insanity
252. Mood Disorders
253. Major Depression
254. Seasonal Affective Disorder
255. Bipolar
256. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
257. Panic Disorder
258. Agoraphobia
259. Preparedness Hypothesis
260. OCD
261. Somatoform Disorder
262. Conversion Disorder
263. Hypochondriasis
264. Dissociative Amnesia
265. Dissociative Fugue
266. DID
267. Anorexia
268. Bulimia
269. Schizophrenia
270. Borderline Personality Disorder
271. Autism
272. Dyslexia
273. ADHD
Unit 12- Therapies
274. Psychological Therapy
275. Biomedical Therapies
276. Insight Therapy
277. Talk Therapy
278. Psychoanalysis
279. Transference
280. Neo-Freudian Psychodynamic Therapy
281. Humanist Therapy
282. Client-Centered Therapy
283. Cognitive Therapy
284. Behavior Therapy
285. Systematic Desensitization
286. Aversion Therapy
287. Exposure Therapy
288. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
289. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
290. Tardive Dyskinesia
291. Electroconvulsive Therapy
292. Pre-Frontal Cortex Lobotomy
Unit 13- Social Psychology
293. Social Context
294. Situationism
295. Dispositionism
296. Social Role
297. Script
298. Norms
299. Asch Effect
300. Conformity
301. Reward Theory of Attraction
302. Expectancy Value Theory
303. Cognitive Dissonance
304. Fundamental Attritbution Error
305. Self-Serving Bias
306. Prejudice
307. Discrimination
308. Social Loafing
309. Groupthink
310. Group Polarization
311. Bystander Effect
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