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Name ____________________________________________________ Date _______________ Blk ______ NB#_____
Home Water Quality Report
In addition, many of the foods we eat contain an acidic pH because of their bacteria killing functions.
pH Reading
So, what does pH mean for water? Basically, the pH value determines whether
water is hard or soft. The pH of pure water is 7. In general, water with a pH
lower than 7 is considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7, basic. The
normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and for groundwater
systems 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of the water to resist a
change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic. The measurement of alkalinity and pH is needed to determine
the corrosiveness of the water.
The level shown for pH tells the amount of hydrogen ions in the water. This level indicates if the substance is too acidic (like
vinegar or orange juice) or if the substance is basic (like ammonia or milk of magnesia). The water could be neutral,
therefore showing no concentration of hydrogen ions. A hydrogen ion is looking for something to join with - if the water is
acidic the ions will tear away metal in the pipes (if metal) leaving them corroded. When the pH is basic, you are actually
dealing with a hydroxide ion, which will cling, to the surface of the pipes - thus clogging the path for the water to flow.
pH Level
How does pH affect water quality? (Think about drinking orange juice or milk of magnesia - How does your throat feel when
drinking these substances?)
Where the biggest impact water pH is has in home water quality?
Chlorinated Water
Water prepared for consumption often comes from surface locations (rivers & lakes). This water begins in a state that is not
consumable for humans. Often the level of bacteria and fungus in the water can make humans sick or worse. To prepare
large quantities of water, they are filtered and chemicals are added to kill these bacteria and fungus. Although this addition
takes care of one problem, it can create another. Chemicals often change the flavor and the odor of the water. One of the
chemicals added is chlorine, which has been attributed to decreasing some formerly troublesome diseases such as cholera,
dysentery and salmonellas. ( There are recent concerns surfacing that
continued exposure to chlorine in water can cause a higher risk for cancer.
Chlorine Level _________________________________
Why is a chlorine supplement put into city water supplies?
How does this addition to the water affect the overall quality of the water?
Iron & Copper Concentrations
Today, many pipes used in transportation of water are made of PVC. However, old well linings and municipal systems are
often made of metal – iron or copper. As water passes through these pipes the current slowly wears away the pipe
material. This process puts either copper or iron sediments into your water. When this happens your water can stain items
it comes into contact with (clothing, sinks, and toilets). The stain for copper tends to be a bluish/green color and for iron it
has a pinkish/red stain. This is frequently evident in toilet bowls where the water sits for long periods of time. The
concentration level would need to be significant to be a health issue, however many people are discouraged from drinking
the water because of the bitter metallic taste.
Iron Concentration __________________________ Copper Concentration____________________________
Stains in tub & toilet _________________________________
How does the iron and copper get into the water supply?
What are two ways you could tell if water has iron or copper in it without doing the chemical test?
Water Condition: Hard or Soft
When washing your hands or hair, the amount of suds or bubbles soap can create tends to imply how well it can clean. The
actual truth is the soap must have the right kind of water to be able to generate good suds. Water can either be hard or soft.
Hard water has lots of chemicals in it. This adds to the flavor of the water; however those chemicals make it difficult for the
chemicals in soap to lather. Soft water on the other hand has one basic chemical in it: Sodium. This gives the water a
salty taste; however it mixes well with soap and can generate lots of suds. Most people prefer the flavor of hard water;
however those extra chemicals are hard on the pipes and water heaters in a home. They cause clogging and decrease the
water heater’s ability to warm the water. (
Water Condition: Hard
Bubble Test: Describe the quantity and quality of the soap bubbles you can generate with your home water:
How does the condition of the water (hardness/softness) affect the flow of water in your home?
Water Facts: Check each that applies.
_____ Well
_____ City Water
_____ Sewage System
_____ Home Water Treatment System
_____ Water Purifier (Brita, etc.)
_____ Septic
I have discussed the results of our home water test with my child. ___________________________________
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