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New Chiyoda Hospital
Preview Tour for
Municipal Authorities, Media and the Healthcare
June 9, 2012
Haruo Saito
Director . Technology
Japan Copper Development Association
Program Manager . Public Health Initiative
This new 200-bed hospital will officially open on July 2nd,
2012. Among the features in this new hospital is an
added level of infection control with antimicrobial
copper touch surfaces.
Dr. Chiyotanda,
the owner of the hospital
540 units of yellow brass door handles and levers have
been installed, with a tonnage of 1,000kg+.
Number of bacteria(cfu/372cm2)
The effect of antimicrobial copper door handles were
first proven at the present Chiyoda Hospital since July
2010. And this led to the installation in the new hospital.
A preview tour was conducted on June 9th for invited
guests from the municipal authorities, media and
healthcare industry.
Dr. Sasahara gave a presentation on
infection control by antimicrobial copper