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Questions for Physical Geography Videos:
All of the notes and answers to questions can be done on the same paper – in blue or black ink
Videos to watch for Review – 3:06 minutes – is mainly for the images – but has
some good points -6:02 – images with music – what are the 10
images that you find the most striking? - write down the ones that you want explained – if you don’t
have words to describe them – write down where they occur in the video (1:23, 2:10, etc.) You can stop
at 3:26 but I think there are some great images after that you may want to review – different diversity.
This has really good images – better than the 1st one -2:06 – what causes
the seasons – this is for review
1. Layers of Asia: A GIS Journey Thourgh our World:
1. Pay attention to the physical features.
1. What is unique? You do not have to list all of the specific mountains given but you need
to mention what stand out and what is unique.
2. How does GIS work? What can be studied?
3. Why did Mumbai and Kolkata grow? (There are at least 3 political reasons and at least
3 physical reasons)
4. What is the significance of the 3 Gorges Dam? (There are multiple reasons)
1. Stop at 7:23
2. Continental Drift:
1. Comment on Alfred Wegener-(2 or 3 ideas/theories)
2. What does Pangaea or Pagaea mean?
3. What are the 4 pieces of evidence he used?
1. Not just the topics but an example of each one
3. Plate Tectonics-A Documentary:
1. What do Dvergent boundaries do?
2. What do Convergent boundaries do?
3. What do Transformative boundaries do?
4. What are some of the results of the boundary movements?