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FORUM: Mediterranean Conference
TOPIC: Fighting criminal organizations in the Mediterranean Sea
SUBMITTERS: Spain, Greenpeace, Malta, Algeria, Palestine
The Mediterranean Conference
Recommends the establishment of the United Nations Organization of Mediterranean
Waste Clearance (UNOMWC) which will;
a. Carry out the duty of cleaning toxically polluted places of Mediterranean;
b. Provide inspectors which will scan suspicious vessels which are likely to dump toxic
waste assisted by customs inspectors and thermal cameras at docks;
c. Control the detection points where waste could be dumped by;
i. Sending patrols at potential locations at possible times;
Training security staff applied for this duty;
Asks the countries in the Mediterranean Basin involved in fishing to encourage their
fisheries to:
a. Reduce the amount of imported blue fin tuna,
b. Track down and close the illegal tuna ranches,
c. Try to eliminate the illegal techniques of fish persecutions such as electrifying the
stock or using driftnets;
Suggests creating a minimum standard of safety to control the goods shipped through
the Mediterranean by:
a. Limiting the controls of goods with a first inspection of the disposure and a second
inspection at the destination, putting on cargoes a particular seal in order to:
i. Make the deliveries between countries faster,
Avoid useless block of ships in ports where they have to refuel
In the absence of the specific seal, the cargo should be considered
carrying fake products,
b. Encourage unified controls similar to those used nowadays in the airports,
c. Using new technologies and special forces to prevent the transport of drugs and
illegal material such as toxic dump with:
i. Special police departments,
X-ray scanners;
Asks for the division of the fishing zones of the Mediterranean Sea in areas in which just
a certain number of fishing ships will be allowed to fish, to avoid only multinational
companies profiting from fishing and to prevent fisherman who do not earn enough
through their job from starting criminal activities such as piracy;
Calls for increased funding from the World Bank as well as other international institutes
to be used for enhancing security in suspected drug-trafficking countries in order to
minimize and possibly abolish the drug trade system by
a. condemning free travel through open waters to prevent illegal issues of drug dealing,
b. implementing top-of-the-line checkpoints at all borders between countries that are
specialized at detecting the trafficking of drugs as well as secondary inspection for
Requests assistance from the security and peacekeeping forces of all member states for
the investigation and elimination of illegal migration and drug trafficking by:
a. Improving the security level at borders, trade posts, and sea ports by:
i. Establishing new security units and peacekeeping squads to assist inspections
and security at borders and docks,
Creating a coalition of allied forces at the borders between two
neighbouring member states by the government of those two states,
Using these troops to search and arrest stowaway passengers,
b. Upgrading qualities of troops and armed forces by;
i. Improving qualities of education and training system in police and military
Using improved systems and supplies which will be provided by the
UN such as:
1. firearms,
2. essential uniforms,
3. vehicles,
4. scout dogs for tracking drugs,
c. Researching new security systems,
d. Encouraging the security crew to refuse any and all bribes by giving satisfactory
e. Promoting stronger cooperation with the International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) troops in particular areas to avoid drug trafficking.