Download 30) Magnetic Mass Flow We will calculate the flow of mass in a

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30) Magnetic Mass Flow
We will calculate the flow of mass in a magnetic field. We start with the relationship
between electric current, time and amount charge in a point. Written by:
where i stands for the electric current in Ampere
Q is the amount of charge in a point expressed in the unit of Ampere seconds, and t
is equal to time expressed in seconds.
We define the unit charge by letter e0, expressed in the unit of Ampere seconds.
If there are N number of unit charge in a point then the Q value can be written:
Now we can write the formel:
From this formula we can solve out the N value to:
From all theory we know that the unit charge is equal to volume flow matter per time
Hence: (5) N.e0=V/t0
where t0 is equal to the spin time of an electrone and V is equal to the amount of
volume, re-circled during the time t0. By inserting the value of N as we have
calculated above, we get the formula:
(6) i.T=V/t0
(7) (i.T).t0=V
We divide both sides of the equation with the time T and get:
(8) (i.T).t0/T=V/T
(9) i.t0=V/T
We know that the mass density of an electrone is equal to:
(10) qe=q.(Kt/2 )
By multiplying this quantity with the spin revolution time we get:
(11) M/T=me.i/e0
This formula shows how much mass in the vacuum field which is re-circled as
function of the electric current i in the conductor.