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Cell Cycle Notes
 Cell full size
 Cell growing
 Life activities
1. Removing wastes (lysosome)
2. Making proteins (ribosomes)
3. Cellular respiration (Mitochondria)- O2  energy + C02
4. Duplicate DNA and organelles in preparation for Mitosis
1. Prophase
 Nuclear membrane breaks down
 Chromatin condenses into chromosomes
 Centrioles move apart towards poles
2. Metaphase
 Chromosomes line up along the middle
 Microtubules (spindle fiber) from Centrioles attach to the Centromeres
 Centrioles are at opposite ends (poles) of the cell
3. Anaphase
 Chromosome sets split
 Chromosomes are pulled to opposite sides by the spindle fibers from the Centrioles
 The spindle fibers shorten to pull the chromosomes by their Centromere.
4. Telophase
 Nuclear membrane reforms
 Cell membrane pinches in
 Chromosomes return to thread-like form called chromatin
 Total separation of the parent cell into two daughter cells
 The fiber ring makes the final pinching off
 In plant cells a cell plate forms between the two new Nuclei. The plate then forms the
cell membrane and then the new cell wall.
DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid is called chromatin when the DNA is in its loose form
(thread-like). DNA when condense into the curled, compact form is called a chromosome.
A chromatid is one of the 2 parental chromosomes. The chromatid from the father is paired
with the chromatid from the mother by the Centromere. This is sometimes called a
chromosomal pair. Gene: A section of DNA that codes for a protein.
All these forms are DNA!
A= Adenine
C= Cytosine
G= Guanine