Download Objective: 1) TSW compare and contrast the composition of the

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Jillian Merica
MS Science
4th period
Objective: 1) TSW identify the layers of a tectonic plate (oceanic crust, continental crust,
lithosphere, asthenosphere). 2) TSW explain how the convection of the asthenosphere
causes the movement of tectonic plates. (8-4a DOK 2)
Materials: LCD projector, powerpoint, dry erase markers, guided notes with worksheet
on back, colored pencils/markers/crayons, drawing paper
Do Now: (5 min)
1. What is Continental Drift?
2. What is Pangaea?
**draw a diagram on the board with convection on bottom**
Set: (5 min)
What is this a picture of? (A: The earth cut in half). What are the layers of the Earth?
Which layer holds the continents that we live on? Which layer is broken into tectonic
plates? Yesterday, you looked at the earth from the surface and learned that these tectonic
plates move around. Today, we are going to talk about what is inside the earth that makes
the surface move around.
1. TTW hand out guided notes (1 min)
2. TSW copy notes from the LCD onto his/her guided notes. (8 min)
3. TSW complete worksheet. (5 min)
4. TCW go through answers to worksheet (5 min)
5. TTW explain drawing assignment and distribute materials (2 min)
6. TSW complete drawing of the layers of tectonic plates and the convection of
the asthenosphere. (14 min)
Closure: (5 min)
What causes tectonic plates to move? What are the layers of a tectonic plate? What is the
difference between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere?
TSW identify the layers of a tectonic plate (oceanic crust, continental crust, lithosphere,
Informal:TTW monitor students (m) taking notes on layers of tectonic plates (c).
Formal: TSW draw and label (m) the layers of a tectonic plate (c). TTW collect,
grade and enter as a daily grade in the gradebook (d).
2) TSW explain how the convection of the asthenosphere causes the movement of tectonic
Informal: TTW monitor students (m) taking notes on convection (c).
Formal: TSW explain convection (c) on worksheet, this will be graded and entered
into the gradebook as a daily grade (d).
Name: ___________
Date: ______
Guided Notes 6/11: Tectonic Plates
A tectonic plate is made of the _________________.
The lithosphere is __________________________________________________
Tectonic plates are moved by the ________________.
The asthenosphere is _______________________________________________
Label the parts of the tectonic plate below:
Convection: _____________________________________________________________
Why do tectonic plates move?