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Kingdom Animalia
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Bio 211
Major historic moments for animals: Era? Years? From most recent to oldest
Explain each:
Cambrian Explosion:
Permian mass extinction:
Cretaceous mass extinction and what is the hypothesis for why this happened?
1. The oldest known animal fossil is ______ MYA old.
2. All of the animals on earth right now represent __ % of all animals that have ever been on
3. List 6 characteristics of kingdom Animalia:
4. What are the only haploid cells in the life cycle of animals?
a. Gametes
b. Somatic cells
c. Autosomal cells
d. Skin cells
5. How are gametes produced?
6. What’s a zygote and what is its ploidy?
7. How does a zygote become multicellular? After so many divisions what does it become?
8. Eventually, what will a blastopore become?
9. What are the stages of the early development of the embryo?
a. Blastula-Cleavage-gastrulation-gastrula
b. Gastrulation-gastrula-blastula-cleavage
c. Gastrula-blastula-cleavages-gastrulation
d. Cleavage-blastula-gastrulation-gastrula
10. What is the germ layer that forms the outer covering and nervous tissue of an organism?
11. What does the mesoderm form?
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
12. What is the germ layer that forms the lining of the digestive tract?
13. What are animals called that only have the ectoderm and endoderm?(What’s an example?)
14. What are animals called that have all three germ layers during development?
15. Most animals reproduce ________ with the ___________ stage most prominent.
16. What is a coelom?
17. Draw a picture of a coelomate, acoelomate and pseduocoelomate. Explain the differences
between the three body cavities and label your drawings.
18. Humans develop directly from the gastrula, in class we talked about another way other
species can develop that is not directly from the gastrula to the adult animal. What was it
and what steps did it involve? Provide an example.
19. Where did animals come from?