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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Mitosis Flip Book
Your Task?
Your task is to create an “index card” flip movie that illustrates and mimics the
movement in the ‘basic’ steps of Cell Cycle:
1. The first card is the cover. Write the underlined title: The Phases of Mitosis, along
with your name, date and period on the cover. Also, include a colored picture of an
animal cell.
2. Make four flip cards for each of the following stages of the Cell Cycle:
3. You will draw the cell, organelles, and chromosomes as they change for the Cell
Cycle, splitting it into four parts so the motions appear very smooth. Hand draw and
color each cell picture neatly and accurately. Make each cell the ‘same’ size and color.
4. At the back of the flip book, devote one card to each of the above stages to
explain that part. Write the name of the stage at the top, underline the name of the stage
and copy the descriptions exactly as they are below.
The time before mitosis, The cells may appear inactive during this
stage, but they are quite the opposite.
This is the longest peiod of the complete cell cycle.
The cells enlarge, preparing for mitosis.
The DNA replicates, or copies itself.
The cell grows and makes structures to use during the rest of the
cell cycle.
During this first mitotic stage:
The chromatin in the nucleus condenses and becomes visible
chromosomes. Each replicated (copied) chromosome is made of
two chromosomes, both with the same genetic information.
Spindle fibers begin to form around the centrioles.
The nucleur membrane breaks down.
The centrioles are moving to opposite ends of the cell.
Then, the chromosomes double and are moving towards the middle
The “middle” phase.
The centromere attaches the chromatids to the spindle fibers.
Tension applied by the spindle fibers aligns all chromosomes at the
center of the cell.
The chromatids (daughter chromosomes) separate, the spindle
fibers shorten, and the chromatids are pulled apart and begin
moving to the cell poles.
The spindle fibers get shorter.
The chromatids arrive at the poles (opposite ends of the cell)
The nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes.
The spindle fibers that have pulled them apart disappear.
The cell membrane is beginning to pinch the cytoplasm.
The middle of the ‘cell’ cleaves into two cells.
The chromosomes thicken and become longer
The result is two identical daughter cells that are also identical to
the original parent cell.
The book should be held together by something stable. Either tape, use staples, use
binder clips, or find some other substitute. Please alert the teacher if any supplies are
difficult to obtain.
See pictures and the text book for assistance. Illustrations need to be drawn freehand.
Take your time. Grades will be based on following the directions as written above and
oral quizzes about the stages of the Cell Cycle.
Due October 4th