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Arthropods – notes
Major Groups
of Arthropods
“jointed foot”
of ALL
Centipedes and
1. Arachnids - _________________and their relatives
2. Crustaceans – _________________, shrimp, and crayfish
3. _________________
4. Millipedes
5. _________________ and their relatives – grasshopper, cricket, roaches, beetles, etc
Largest group of animals
Many are highly social
1. Have _________________ appendages which include legs, antennae, claws and pincers
2. Have _________________symmetry, segmented bodies, exoskeletons, a body cavity, a
digestive system with two openings and an advanced nervous system
-Most have separate sexes and reproduce sexually
3. Body _________________
 Bodies of these animals are divided into specialized segments
4. _________________A hard outer covering that supports and protects the internal body and
provides places for muscle to attach.
 Doesn’t _________________ as the animals does, it is shed and replaced
during a process called molting
1. _________________
1. Must molt as animal grows
2. prevents dessication
2. limits_________________of animal
• Have ___________ body regions
– Cephalothorax and an abdomen
• __________ pairs of legs and no antennae
• Many are adapted to kill _________ with poison glands, stingers, or fangs
• Some are parasites
– Have sharp, poison filled stinger at the end of abdomen.
– Have a well-developed appendages which they can grab their prey.
– Can’t chew their food, release enzymes into prey to digest it—then suck the
predigest liquid into its mouth.
– Have book lungs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged.
_______________ and _____________________
-- Most are parasites
– Ticks have specialized mouthparts to remove blood from the host.
– Ticks often carry disease such as Lyme disease.
• Have long bodies and many ______________, exoskeleton, jointed legs, antennae and
simple eyes.
• Found in _______________ environments
• Reproduce sexually
- Centipedes are ________________
- Millipedes feed on decaying _____________ matter.
Have one or two pair of ____________________ and mandibles, which are used for
crushing food.
Most live in ______________, but some live in moist environments on land—such as
pill bug.
Have ___________ pair of legs, first pair of legs are claws for catching and holding
Have __________________ body regions
- _______________- Has a pair of antennae, eyes and a mouth
- _______________- Three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings if
present are attached here
- _______________- Where reproductive structures are found.
____________________ symmetry- cephalization, and well developed nervous
Have an __________ circulatory system that carries digestive food to cells and
removes wastes
Insect blood doesn’t carry O2 instead air enters and exits through openings called
_________________ found on the abdomen and thorax
Are the only invertebrate animals that can ____________
Insects are extremely successful based these reasons
– Tough flexible, waterproof _________________
– Ability to___________
– _______________ reproduction cycles
– Small sizes
– Use a variety of __________ sources
Insects have other adaptations that allow them to be successful
The success of
Value of
A source of _________________
Agriculture would be impossible without bees and other insects to _______________
Useful chemicals are obtain from some arthropods
Important part of ecological community
Practice! Name the phyla each of these organisms belong
Tapeworm _________________
Earthworm _________________
Jelly Fish ___________________
Sea Star ____________________
Octopus ____________________
Ant _____________________
Hydra _________________
Heartworm _______________
Crocodile ________________
Sponge __________________
Clam ___________________
Crab ____________________
Score: _____/ 12
Practice! Name the phyla each of these describe
Has a backbone ______________________
First with true tissues __________________
Has no true tissues _____________________
First with a one-way digestive tract __________________________
Has jointed appendages ________________________________
First with a closed circulatory system ______________________
First phyla to show bilateral symmetry _____________________
Water Vascular System _____________________________
Score : _______/8