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Human Evolution Exam Answers
1. Primates are mammals with an opposable thumb and binocular vision. This includes Humans, Apes, Chimps,
Hominids, Hominins, anthropoids and prosimians.
Apes have a C-shaped spine, Humans have an S-shaped spine; Apes have a box-like dental arcade, Humans have a
parabolic arcade; Apes have a small brain case, Humans have a large brain case; Apes have a large supraorbital
ridge, Humans don’t, Apes have a large facial prognathism, Human’s don’t; Apes have a foramen magnum toward
the rear of their skulls, Humans have a foramen magnum toward the center; Apes arms are longer and their legs are
shorter than humans.
supra-orbital ridge - A projection above the eyes.
Prognathism - The amount of projection of the face from the plane of the eye and cheek bones.
Sagittal crest -The central projection running the length of the skull to which muscles are attached.
Dental Arcade- The shape of the rows of teeth (U or V).
Zygomatic Process -The bone that connects the cheekbone to the beginning of the ear canal.
Post Orbital Constriction –the narrowing of the skull behind the eye sockets
Lucy was the oldest hominid at the time of its discovery. A. afarensis was once thought to be the ancestor from which
modern humans descended.
Australopithecines were bipedal but had more chimp like features than modern humans.
Modern humans are bipedalism, have larger brain, smaller teeth and jaws, a larger forehead, smaller prognathism,
and lack an opposable thumb on their foot.
Modern humans evolved in Africa about 100,000-160,000 years ago. Mitochondrial DNA studies have been used to
trace human origins back to Africa.
That we share a common ancestor.
Most scientists believe that H. sapiens sapiens and H. sapiens neaderthalensis coexisted before the Neanderthals
became extinct about 100,000 years ago. Some scientists believe that early H. sapiens sapiens may have been the cause
of the Neanderthal extinction. Some scientists believe that maybe both species lived together, interbred and became
one. Recent evidence, however, supports the former hypothesis.
10. Anthropoids were the second type of Primate to evolve. They are characterized by being bigger in size, their bigger
brains, diurnal, may be quadrapedal or bipeadal.
11. Prosimians are the first type of primate to evolve. They are smaller in size, smaller brains, are arboreal, and
12. Binocular vision is having both eyes on the same side of the head and it gives greater depth perception. Diurnal
means it is active during the day. Opposable thumbs are thumbs that bend towards the rest of the fingers. Arboreal
means they live in trees.