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Pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 Virus Infection in Solid
Organ Transplant Recipients: A Multicenter Study
Astrid Smud,1 Claudia B. Nagel,2 Elizabeth Madsen,2 María del C. Rial,3 Laura A. Barcán,1
Abel A. Gomez,4 Andrea G. Martinoia,5 María C. Bangher,6 Javier D. Altclas,7 Claudia C. Salgueira,7
Elena Temporiti,8 Pablo E. Bonvehi,8 Natalia Enriquez,9 Ernesto D. Efron,9 Julián E. Bibolini,10
and Roberta Lattes11,12
Background. The 2009 novel influenza A/H1N1 virus pandemic did not spare solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients.
We aimed to describe the behavior of pandemic influenza infection in a group of SOT recipients in Argentina.
Methods. Data from 10 transplant (Tx) centers were retrospectively collected for SOT that presented with a respiratory
illness compatible with pandemic influenza A infection, between May and September 2009. Cases were defined as
suspected, probable, or confirmed according to diagnostic method.
Results. Seventy-seven cases were included. No significant differences in presenting symptoms, pulmonary infiltrates,
and graft involvement were found among 35 suspected, 19 probable, and 23 confirmed cases. The 33 ambulatory cases
had significantly more sore throat and headache when compared with 34 cases admitted to medical ward (MW) and 10
admitted to intensive care unit (ICU), 9 of whom required ventilatory support. MW and ICU cases had significantly
more dyspnea, hypoxemia, pulmonary infiltrates, and graft dysfunction. Time from onset of symptoms to first visit and
to treatment was significantly longer in MW and ICU cases (P⫽0.008). Coinfections were found in six cases. Most cases
received oseltamivir for 5 to 10 days. Six patients (7.8%) died from viral infection at a median of 15 days from
admission. No differences in outcome were seen related to the transplanted organ, the immunosuppressive regimen,
time from Tx, or confirmation of diagnosis.
Conclusions. Mortality is higher in Tx recipients than in the general population. Poor outcome seems to be related to
a delay in the beginning of treatment.
Keywords: Pandemic influenza, 2009 H1N1 influenza, Solid organ transplant.
(Transplantation 2010;XX: 000–000)
andemic by novel influenza A/H1N1 virus was declared
by World Health Organization on June 11, 2009 (1). In
our country, the first case was diagnosed on May 7, 2009, and
the peak of the epidemic was reached at epidemiologic week
M.d.C.R. serves as a member of the Advisory Board of Novartis, Wyeth, and
Pfizer and received research grants from Bristol Meyer Squib, Roche,
Novartis, and Wyeth. P.E.B. serves as a member of the Advisory Board of
GlaxoSmithKline and served as a speaker for Roche, Novartis, and
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Infectious Disease Section, Internal Medicine, Hospital Italiano, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitario de la Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Kidney Transplant Unit, Instituto de Nefrología Nephrology, Buenos Aires,
Infectious Disease Section, Clinica de Nefrologia, Urologia y Enfermedades
Cardiovasculares, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Kidney Transplant Unit - HIGA San Martín, CUCAIBA, La Plata, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Infectious Disease Unit, Instituto de Cardiología de Corrientes J F Cabral,
Corrientes, Argentina.
Infectious Disease and Infection Control Unit, Sanatorio Trinidad Mitre,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Infectious Disease Section, Department of Internal Medicine, CEMIC
(Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas), Buenos Aires,
Transplantation • Volume XX, Number X, Month XX, 2010
26 (June 26 to July 4) with 92.7% of acute respiratory illnesses
diagnosed as caused by the novel influenza virus per health
authorities. The epidemic was controlled by week 37 (August
14 to 20) (2).
As published recently (3), early in the course of the
epidemic, morbid obesity and age less than 5 years were identified as risk factors for severe disease in addition to the well9
Infectious Disease Unit - Hospital Británico, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Infectious Disease and Infection Control Unit, Department of Clinical
Management, Hospital de Alta Complejidad Presidente Juan D Perón,
Formosa, Argentina.
Infectious Disease Unit, Department of Transplantation, Instituto de Nefrología Nephrology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Address correspondence to: Roberta Lattes, M.D., Zavalía 2040, Buenos
Aires 1428, Argentina.
E-mail: [email protected]
C.B.N., L.A.B., C.C.S., and R.L. participated in study design and interpretation of data; A.S., C.B.N., L.A.B., C.C.S., and R.L. participated in data
analysis and statistics; C.B.N., L.A.B., and R.L. participated in manuscript
preparation; and all authors have participated in the collection of data
and in the review of the manuscript.
Received 2 August 2010.
Accepted 12 September 2010.
Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN 0041-1337/10/XX0X-1
DOI: 10.1097/TP.0b013e3181fc09fe
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established risks for poor outcome of seasonal influenza.
However, little was known on this new disease in solid
organ transplant (SOT) recipients. Our aim is to describe
herein the results of a multicenter study performed during
the course of the epidemic in SOT recipients WHO presented with an acute respiratory illness compatible with
pandemic influenza infection.
Seventy-seven patients with symptoms compatible with
pandemic influenza infection were included. Mean age of cases
was 44 years (range 15–75 years); 45 (59%) were male. Cases
were distributed according to transplanted organ as follows: 49
(63.6%) kidney transplant (Tx); 11 (14.3%) heart Tx; 8(10.4%)
kidney-pancreas Tx; 5 (6.5%) lung Tx; 3 (3.9%) liver Tx; and 1
(1.3%) kidney-heart Tx. Median time from transplantation to
presenting symptoms was 27 months (range 1–144 months, interquartile [IQ] range 10 –56 months).
At the time of diagnosis, 60 (77.9%) and 17 (22.1%)
patients were receiving triple and double maintenance immunosuppressive regimens, respectively. Triple regimens
were calcineurin inhibitors based in 46 —with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF; in 37) or mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR; in 6) or azathioprine (AZA; in 3) and mTOR based
in 14 —with MMF (in 12) or AZA (in 2); all had corticosteroids (CS). Double regimens were calcineurin inhibitors
based in 7—with CS (in 4) or MMF (in 2) or AZA (in 1) and
CS in 10 —with MMF (in 7) or mTOR (in 3). Eight (10.4%)
patients received antilymphocytic treatment in the 6 months
before influenza event.
Additional underlying risk factors for severe disease
were reported in 22 patients (28.6%): 11 (14.3%) were diabetic; 8 (10.4%) had chronic pulmonary disease; 2 had severe
renal function impairment; 1 had coronary artery disease;
and 1 was obese (body mass index ⬎40 kg/m2). The weekly
incidence of cases in Tx recipients is shown together with the
epidemic distribution in the general population (Fig. 1). The
disease remained suspected in 35 cases (45.5%), probable in
19 (24.7%), and confirmed in 23 (29.8%).
Transplantation • Volume XX, Number X, Month XX, 2010
For all cases, clinical symptoms at the time of first visit
were as follows: fever more than 38°C in 69 (89.6%), cough in
65 (84.4%), rhinorrhea in 26 (33.8%), headache in 20
(26.0%), sore throat in 19 (24.7%), dyspnea in 17 (22.1%),
and diarrhea in 7 (9.1%). At presentation, 38 patients (49%)
had pulmonary infiltrates that were bilateral in 32 (84.2%),
and 12 were hypoxemic. Thirteen patients (16.9%) had leucopenia, whereas 13 had increased white blood cell count; 15
of 49 (30.6%) had lymphopenia (for the remaining 28 patients, lymphocyte count was not available); in 14 (18.2%),
serum creatinine was more than 2.2 mg/dL, and liver function
tests were within normal range in all. Comparison among
suspected, probable, and confirmed cases is shown in Table 1.
No differences were found in presenting symptoms and pulmonary infiltrates among groups. Time from initiation of
symptoms to first visit was less than 24 hr in 37, within 48 hr
in 12, within 96 hr in 18, and more than 96 hr in 10 with a
median time of 24 hr and a range of 12 to 240 hr (IQ range
24 – 48 hr) with no differences among groups.
Forty-four (57.1%) patients were hospitalized with 10
admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU): 9 with pulmonary
infiltrates required ventilatory support. Patients transferred
to ICU during hospitalization (n⫽5) are considered together
with those admitted directly (n⫽5) to the ICU for the remaining of the analysis.
Viral and bacterial respiratory coinfections were diagnosed from respiratory samples in six patients (7%).
Coinfecting agents were as follows: respiratory syncytial
virus (two cases), and parainfluenza virus, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Haemophilus influenzae (one case each). Also, two patients were reported to
have cytomegalovirus disease during hospitalization. Only
one coinfected patient had a severe disease and was admitted to the ICU.
In all, 15 (19.5%) cases had graft dysfunction: 12 kidney
recipients, 1 kidney-pancreas, 1 lung, and 1 liver recipient.
This was not significantly different among groups: 20% in
suspected versus 15.8% in probable versus 21.7% in confirmed cases (P⫽NS).
FIGURE 1. Pandemic influenza A/H1N1: epidemic in Argentina 2009 and cases in transplant (Tx) recipients.
Smud et al.
© 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
TABLE 1. Comparison of suspected, probable, and
confirmed cases: demographics and presenting
Median age
Symptoms at first
visit (n)
Fever ⬎38°C (69)
Cough (65)
Rhinorrhea (26)
Headache (20)
Sore throat (19)
Dyspnea (17)
Hypoxemia (12)
Diarrhea (7)
infiltrates (38)
Probable Confirmed
20 (57.1)
43 (42)
11 (57.9)
46 (45)
14 (60.9)
43 (45)
31 (88.6)
31 (88.6)
14 (40.0)
13 (37.1)
11 (31.4)
9 (25.7)
6 (17.1)
2 (5.7)
18 (51.4)
16 (84.2)
18 (94.7)
6 (31.6)
3 (15.8)
3 (15.8)
4 (21.1)
2 (10.5)
2 (10.5)
8 (42.1)
22 (95.7)
16 (69.6)
6 (26.1)
4 (17.4)
5 (21.7)
4 (17.4)
4 (17.4)
3 (13.0)
12 (52.2)
Data are presented as n (%).
TABLE 2. Comparison of ambulatory, MW, and ICU
cases: symptoms and timing
0 (0)
0 (0)
Pulmonary infiltrates 6 (18.2)
Graft dysfunction
0 (0)
Time from onset to 24 (24–30)
first visit (hr)
Time from onset to 24 (24–48)
treatment (hr)
11 (32.3)
4 (11.8)
23 (67.6)
8 (23.5)
24 (24–72)
6 (60)
8 (80)
9 (90)
7 (70)
48 (30–72)
48 (24–72) 96 (48–96)
Data are presented as n (%) and interquartile range.
MW, medical ward; ICU, intensive care unit.
When clinical symptoms of ambulatory (n⫽33), admitted to medical ward (n⫽34), and admitted to ICU (n⫽10)
were compared, outpatients had more sore throat (42.2% vs.
14.7% vs. 0% P⫽0.009) and headache (42.2% vs. 11.8% vs.
20% P⫽0.015), whereas ICU patients had significantly more
dyspnea, hypoxemia, and graft dysfunction. Time from onset
of symptoms to first visit and to treatment was significantly
different among these groups. Patients who required ICU had
waited longer to first visit and had been treated later (Table 2).
All 44 hospitalized patients and 27 ambulatory patients
were treated with oseltamivir. Standard dose (75 mg twice
daily [BID]), with renal function adjustment, was used in all
but 3 in whom double dose was given. Treatment was administered for 5 days in 53, for 7 days in 2, and for 10 days in 14.
Six (7.8%) patients died; all deaths were related directly
to influenza infection. Bilateral lung involvement was significantly more frequent in those with fatal outcome than in the
survivors: 5 of 6 versus 27 of 71 (P⫽0.018). Only two were
reported to have additional risk factors for severe disease: one
had received antilymphocytic treatment in the past 3 months,
and one had chronic pulmonary disease. In these cases, median time from onset of symptoms to first visit was 48 hr
(24 –120 hr; IQ range 24 –72 hr) and to treatment was 72 hr
(24 –120 hr; IQ range 48 –96 hr). Only 1 of 42 (2.4%) who was
started on the antiviral drug within 48 hr of onset died compared with 5 of 29 (17.2%) who were treated later.
Death occurred at a median time of 18 days (range
8 –36 days; IQ range 15–27 days) from first symptoms and at
15 days from hospitalization. All other patients had a full
recovery with no graft loss or permanent graft dysfunction.
There were no differences for age, time from transplantation,
transplanted organ, and additional risk factors for severe disease or immunosuppressive regimen.
Infection with seasonal influenza in SOT recipients is
associated with significant morbidity including a high proportion of pulmonary and nonpulmonary complications (4,
5). Several studies have also reported a high association with
rejection (4, 6 – 8) especially in lung recipients (5). Information on the clinical spectrum, complications, and outcome of
pandemic influenza in these patients is still limited.
We have described our experience with SOT recipients
during the 2009 epidemic in Argentina. Some particular features of our observations need to be clarified. Although most
of our cases occurred in kidney recipients, this does not reflect
the real incidence per transplanted organ as most participant
centers only or predominantly perform kidney Tx. The time
line of our cases mimics the epidemic curve in the general
population but was interestingly somewhat delayed. Finally,
it has to be pointed out that in our country, at the beginning of
the epidemic, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
was available exclusively at a central reference laboratory. The
laboratory was overloaded, and diagnostic confirmation was delayed and difficult to obtain. By mid June, health authorities
allowed a few additional laboratories to perform the test. Diagnosis was then somewhat easier to obtain but still not
widely available. These factors lead to only one third of our
patients having pandemic influenza diagnosis confirmed.
However, no demographic or clinical differences among suspected, probable, and confirmed cases were found. Hence, we
analyzed all patients as a homogeneous group. Presenting
symptoms in our cases did not differ from those published for
the general population (9). Approximately two thirds of our
cases sought medical attention within 48 hr from the onset of
symptoms, suggesting that the potential severity of the disease
and the risk of delaying treatment were known by most patients. In fact, since mid May, Tx centers had visible warnings
for patients, triage and isolation guidelines were in place, and
the outpatient appointments were reduced to a minimum.
More than half of the cases were hospitalized. The criteria for admission to medical ward differed at each center:
although some would admit all suspected cases until the
course of the disease could be assessed, others would send
patients home with mild disease and monitor their clinical
course daily. However, ICU admittance criteria were generally uniform.
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Patients who required intensive care had a significantly
longer time from the onset of symptoms to the first medical
visit and also a longer time between symptoms and the beginning of antiviral treatment, compared with patients who did
not. Delay in seeking medical care and in receiving antiviral
therapy (3, 9) have already been independently associated
with severe disease in the general population (10) and in the
Tx recipients (11).
Bacterial coinfections were infrequent with only one
patient having a severe disease. This has also been reported by
others (11, 12) in SOT. Higher rates have been described in
nontransplanted patients (3, 13). Viral coinfections were an
unusual finding and did not influence the outcome.
In our study, the presence of dyspnea, hypoxemia,
and pulmonary infiltrates significantly correlated with severe disease, requiring intensive care. These findings that
are characteristic of diffuse viral pneumonitis have been
described before (14, 15) and have accounted for 49% to
72% of intensive care admissions for pandemic infection (3).
The importance of early suspicion and treatment, particularly
in immunosuppressed hosts and in severe disease, is also
stressed in these reports.
A significant association with allograft dysfunction in
severe cases, admitted to the ICU, compared with those with
mildest illness was found. Both seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses have been shown to induce proinflammatory
mediator responses in human cells in vitro (16). High systemic levels of interferon and other mediators involved in
T-cell response have been reported in hospitalized patients
infected with pandemic influenza virus (17). Patients who
died or had more severe disease had higher plasma levels of
proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6, -10, and -15, throughout the illness and of
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, IL-1␣, and IL-8, and
of tumor necrosis factor during the late phase of illness (18).
These mechanisms, in addition to frequent reduction of immunosuppressive regimen during acute illness, might explain
the association.
During the outbreak, oseltamivir was the only available
antiviral drug in our country. Initially, 75 mg BID for 5 days
was used as recommended by local health authorities. As the
pandemic progressed, new guidelines were issued by local
authorities advocating the use of 150 mg BID for 10 days in
patients with pneumonia or evidence of clinical progression
in accordance with published suggestions (19). This explains
the different treatments used in our patients over time.
Initiation of therapy within 48 hr from onset, but not
later, has been shown to reduce symptoms in seasonal influenza (20) and has been useful to prevent complications in the
general population (21). This may also be true for mild cases
of pandemic influenza, whereas severe cases and immunocompromised hosts may benefit from treatment started later
than 48 hr from the onset of symptoms (22, 23).
In our country, global mortality from pandemic influenza
was reported to be 5.5% (24), whereas data from Canada and
United States have shown a death rate of 5.2% and 7%, respectively, when only admitted cases were considered (25, 26).
Fatality rate in our series while higher than recently
reported by Kumar et al. (11) in SOT is lower than reported
by Seville et al. (12). Underlying risk factors and delay in
antiviral treatment have been shown to be significantly
Transplantation • Volume XX, Number X, Month XX, 2010
related to fatal outcome (11). Mortality in our cases was significantly related to bilateral lung involvement and to late
initiation of treatment although the latter did not reach statistical significance. Additional risk factors were not found to
have a negative impact on outcome.
The limitations of our study are related to the retrospective nature of the analysis and to the unavailability of
diagnostic confirmation for all cases (as discussed earlier).
Severity and mortality in SOT are difficult to assess. Only
patients seen at each Tx center were included allowing for
speculation that this does not reflect the true impact of pandemic influenza as some cases might have been managed by
primary care physicians.
In conclusion, our findings highlight once again the
importance of early initiation of antiviral therapy. Immunocompromised hosts would particularly benefit from this approach that may change the course of the disease. Efforts
should be directed to further enhance the awareness of patients and of primary care physicians to avoid unnecessary
delays in starting antiviral treatment.
In this multicenter retrospective study, data from 10 Tx centers were analyzed. SOT patients, older than 15 years, who presented with symptoms
compatible with pandemic influenza infection between May 7 and September 1, 2009 were included. All centers completed a standardized form that
included demographic, clinical, laboratory, and radiologic data obtained
from clinical records. All 10 centers have active kidney Tx programs; in addition, four perform intrathoracic Tx (heart⫽4; lung⫽3); four perform
kidney-pancreas Tx; and three perform liver Tx.
Timeline of occurrence in Tx recipients was compared with general population using officially reported data of health authorities (2). Presenting
symptoms of suspected, probable, and confirmed cases were compared. Also,
underlying risk factors for severe disease, immunosuppression data, time
from presenting symptoms to first medical visit and to initiation of antiviral
treatment, hospitalization, need for ventilatory support, graft dysfunction,
antiviral treatment and its related adverse events, coinfections, and outcome
were analyzed for all cases and compared between ambulatory and admitted
During the epidemic, suspected cases were defined as those presenting
with an acute febrile respiratory illness ranging from a flu-like syndrome to
pneumonia. Probable were suspected cases with a positive influenza A diagnosis by an antigen detection assay. Confirmed were suspected cases with a
positive RT-PCR for pandemic influenza A virus. Hypoxemia was defined as
an oxygen saturation value less than 90%; leucopenia was considered with
white blood cell count less than 3500/mm3, lymphopenia with less than 1500
lymphocytes/mm3, and renal impairment with serum creatinine more than
2.2 mg/dL.
When available, direct or indirect immunofluorescence and immunochromatographic assays for detection of respiratory viral antigens (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza A/B, and parainfluenza 1,2,3) and
RT-PCR for influenza A/H1N1 virus (27) were performed on nasopharyngeal swabs or bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Patients with influenza-like
syndrome and negative RT-PCR for influenza A/H1N1 were excluded.
Totals and percentages were used for categorical variables. Median, range,
and interquartile intervals were used for continuous variables. Associations
between categorical variables were analyzed with chi-square or Fisher’s exact
tests, whereas Kruskai-Wallis test was used for continuous variables. Significance was considered with P less than 0.05. No adjustments for multiple
comparisons were conducted. This study was approved by the review board
of the institutions involved.
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